the final part: christmas

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i woke up to pecks on my head. i sat up and heard "merry christmas love" from tom. "merry christmas" i kissed him. "let's go downstairs" we walked out the room and it was like i was 8, and my family was waiting for me. it sucks they couldn't be here. "about time" ashlynn groaned "you stayed the night?" she nodded. there was millions of gifts under our christmas tree. i ran back to my room and began stacking all of the gifts " tom can you come help me?" "yea" he came in and helped me. "damn how many is there" "that's it." we both had at least 50 gifts that i bought.

"jesus lola! how much shit did you buy??" "like a lot." i giggled . "who's first?" georg was there too. i got everyone i was close to alot of gifts. "this one's for tom" bill said passing everyone out a gift. bill got one from me, tom got one from me, georg got one from me, ashlynn got one from me, and i got one from ashlynn. "aw lola this is so cute!" bill squealed i got him a "my chemical romance" shirt. then it was tom's turn he opened it and i got him a pair of red nike dunks. "holy shit" he smiled. i smiled at his excitement and he jumped on me giving me a kiss and hug "thank you so much your the best girlfriend ever!!" "of course"

it was my turn. ashlynn got me the cutest pair of bootcut true religion jeans. "omg ashlynn these are so cute thanks." i hugged her. she unwrapped her gift and i got her a baggy pair of true religion jeans. "thanks so much these are so cute!" she hugged me again. georg opened his gift which revealed a pair of white air forces. "damnnn thanks lola." he smiled nodding. 10 minutes later we're all just opening gifts at this point.  when we were done we the gustav was gonna come over with his girlfriend and we were all gonna hang out. i got lots of stuff, tom got me 3 outfits, a necklace, a channel perfume, black and white nike dunks, black converse, 3 lingerie sets, and 2 dresses. it all made me smile so hard my cheeks hurt.

i went upstairs to get ready after cleaning up all the wrapping paper and tom came in and handed me "something came in from the mail for you." i was confused. i read the name on it. "Melanie Chavez" my sister! i ripped the box open and it was a note
Hermanita (little sister),

i heard about what happened to dad and ma, i'm so sorry my love. and i see that your music career has taken off! i'm so proud of you girl. i'll be in LA soon! i love you forever and i can't wait to see you and your boyfriend ;).

your hermana (sister),

mel chavez<3

i smiled and saw what she got me, it was a sublime shirt and a vivienne wearwood necklace. i put it with my other gifts and finished getting ready.

 i put it with my other gifts and finished getting ready

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i smiled at my outfit. "lola are you ready?" "yea" i turned around and tom was behind me. "i have one more thing." "tom love, you didn't have to!" i giggled. "lola baby, you know i love you so so much right?" "yes..?" he pulled out a ring from his pocket, a sliver ring with a small diamond heart on it. fuck i am i really gonna get married at 16? you know what if i am, tom's gonna be the one to do it. "it's a promise ring, i promos i'll be by your side for whatever, and whenever." i felt my self tearing up while i nodded " i promise too." "i love you forever lola." "i love you forever."

That was the best year of my life. the winter and fall of 2006. the christmas of 2006.

The End💕

Thank you all so much for reading this, i love you forever. Iyw i have another tom book out now🩷

Should i write a sequel?

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