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"huh?" i joilted up. "good morning sleeping beauty." "oh shut up" i walked to the small living room of the bus "were in nyc!" bill yelled out like a little kid. "already?" soon enough we got to the hotel. me and tom shared a room and everyone else had their own.

i got in and sat down on the bed and opened my phone. HOLY SHIT! 2,336,791 likes? "tom look at this!" i showed him the phone. "no way!" he looked at me with those lusty eyes. "stop looking at me with those eyes!" "what eyes" i gave him a look "your lusty brown eyes tom!" "lust for life" i rolled my eyes at him and quickly checked TMZ with 2 new articles about me:

"LOLITA IS RELEASING HER "NO QUE NO!" ALBUM IN EXACTLY A WEEK! WHAT DO HER FANS THINK?.." and the other one "TOM KAULITZ GUTARIST OF TOKIO HOTEL AND LOLITA SEEN OUT SIDE OF HAMPTON HOTEL KISSING. LUST FOR LIFE!" huh that's funny tom said that. lust for life.. "i'm gonna go check on bill i'll be quick." "im taking a nap and i need something to lay on" he smiled "ok ok!" i left "OPEN UP SLUT!" i knocked on bills door.

"ugh what." "i have an idea for a song and i need your help" he sat up quickly in excitement. "ooh ok what's up?" "it's for tom. it's a love song. 'lust for life'" "okk im listening.." "he's just always like "lola let me take you to eat! lola let me buy you this!" and i want to repay him" "who the hell is lola" fuck i messed up! "it's my name" "oh really! how pretty!" "anyways i just need you to find a recording studio im gonna play the guitar and stuff so don't worry!" "ok bye then" "see ya!"

i made my way back to the room "ok im back." i threw myself onto the bed on my belly. "perfect!" he layed on my ass like a pillow. i grabbed my notebook of a lot of drafted songs and began writing titling the page Lust for life. i got a message from bill.

hey i found a place when do you wanna record it?


ok then we're going out clubbing in an hour get ready pookie! byeeeee!


i squealed waking tom "what?" i sat up and tom's head was now on the bead "we're going clubbing with the band! let's get ready! we should match!" "ok then" i started picking out an out fit and picked this:

i squealed waking tom "what?" i sat up and tom's head was now on the bead "we're going clubbing with the band! let's get ready! we should match!" "ok then" i started picking out an out fit and picked this:

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"wear red!" i yelled from the bathroom. about 30 minutes passed by and i got a call from bill. "hey are you almost done?" "yea i'm-" tom came in and  kissed my sweet spot on my neck making me leave out a soft moan "lola?" "sorry i hurt myself  haha" "ok we're waiting for y'all in the car" "mmmhm yea ok bye" "bye!!" tom stopped "what was that about?" "nothing i just wanted to see my girl" "you look good tommy"

 "hey are you almost done?" "yea i'm-" tom came in and  kissed my sweet spot on my neck making me leave out a soft moan "lola?" "sorry i hurt myself  haha" "ok we're waiting for y'all in the car" "mmmhm yea ok bye" "bye!!" tom stopped "what was th...

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i quickly threw my hair half up half down and grabbed my purse and tom's hand and ran out to the car "ok we're ready!" "let's go then!

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫✰Where stories live. Discover now