20: christmas eve

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i woke up in my bed with tom next to me. i held onto him not realizing he was already awake. "you awake" he laughed a little. "mhm" "it's already 2:00 we should get ready for the party" i sat up looking at the time "2:46" my phone read "shit!" i rolled my eyes. i started making my way to the shower grabbing my clothes and towel. i stood in the shower letting the warm water hit my skin. i shaved and exfoliated first before calling tom to join me. he hoped in and we both showered our selves talking about the party. nothing crazy happened, there was kissing here and there but nothing else.

i got out of the shower and put on my black silk robe and began blow drying my hair while tom went to the room to pick out an outfit. i began doing my make up and tom came in handing me the red lingerie he bought me yesterday. "will you were this for me?" he smiled i nodded and he set it down on the sink with my other stuff. after finishing my makeup i quickly got dressed and went down stairs to set up.

 after finishing my makeup i quickly got dressed and went down stairs to set up

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(no tights)

to my surprise everything was already set up by bill so i turned around to go back up to my room but tom was behind me "you look beautiful, lola" i smiled at him. he looked amazing he was still wearing his baggy clothes but he looked so good. "thank you, you do to tom." i kissed him. "wow lola you look great!" i heard bill from behind me. i turned around and thanked him "thanks! you look good too"

about an hour later i was kinda slurred and so was tom. we were dancing all night. "wanna take a shot?" i nodded excitedly and ran to our island counter where all the alcohol was set up. suddenly i got an idea "BODY SHOTS!" i yelled out. ashlynn was there too and came running with georg. a few couples came too. me and tom were first i layed on our dinner table as ashlynn put the shot glass on my skirt and i lifted up my shirt so she could put salt between my boobs and a lime in my mouth. "GO!" she yelled. tom took the shot and gripped my thighs while licking the salt between my boobs and kissed me while getting the lime in my mouth. everyone cheered and screamed.

i got up while pulling my shirt back down and it was tom's turn. he lifted his shirt putting salt of his abs, the shot on his pants, and the lime in his mouth. "GO" ashlynn yelled again. i took the shot and rested my hand on tom's crotch while his hands were on my hips and i was licking the salt off his abs. i kissed him while i took the lime out of his mouth and his hands moved to my head holding it while we made out for like 10 seconds. everyone watching us was cheering again. tom got up and picked me up making me straddle my legs on his hips. he was taking me to our room.

he layed down on the bed and kicked off my shoes before i got on top of him grinding and making out with him moaning a bit through each kiss. i started undressing starting with my shirt then my bra, skirt, and panties. he took off his clothes too. i rolled a condom on his dick and suddenly i was on my hands and my knees. "do you want this babe?" "mhm" i moaned. "huh?" he asked teasing me to beg. "please tom fuck me please please please" i begged he put himself in me slowly making moan loudly "oh fuck.." "take me lola, youve done it before baby" then he shoved all of himself in me "fuck!" i yelled. he thrusted fast and hard making me want to come on the spot.

it feels like we've been fucking for hours as we've changed positions so much. but it's only been like 30 minutes. he was now on top off me and my moans started turning into screams. i felt my body trembling and needing to cum hard. "i know you want to cum lola you can come baby" "oh tom- oh fuck! tom!" i screamed and came hard with him." it felt so good. he slowed down and took his dick out of me making my flop on the bed.i got up and changed into a black tank top and plaid pajama shorts that i had matching with bill and tom. i layed back in the bed with tom and he spooned me and kissed my neck "your so good baby i love you" i turned around and hugged him while drifting off to sleeping.

This book is coming to an end. There will be one last chapter out tomorrow or tonight. i'm writing another book if you would like to check it out. don't forget to vote 💕

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫✰Where stories live. Discover now