Chapter Seven: Calling in Reinforcements

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Before I write down the fight between Chobei and Gabimaru, I have to write a somewhat filler chapter in order to mentally prepare myself. To simplify this, it would be Chapter 36 of Jigokuraku but with some minor details changed to fit the story.


Meanwhile, after the ship has brought the criminals and executioners to Kotaku, a meeting was being made at an inn in the Satsuma Domain. 

"We understand that your assigned criminal perished aboard the landing craft... and it has taken you quite sometime to return to the mainland. Please explain the series of events that led you back... Yamada Asaemon Jikka." The noble said to the third-ranked member of the clan as he chuckled. He was a man with some stubble on his chin and a plum-colored, messy bun.

"Sure, sure. Series of events, okay." Jikka laughed off, scratching the back of his head. "Not sure I see the point, but fine... Mind if I sit less formally?"

He started to sit more casually as he raised his left knee until a black-haired man with eyebags beside him glared at Jikka. "You do mind? Oh, fine... They put me in charge of 'Killing Buddhist Prayer' Horubo. My convict started to strangle one of the competing criminals Aza Chobei as we approached his raft. However, the Bandit King broke free of his grasp and his pretty executioner Mizuho decapitated him before we even arrived at the island in my place."

He began to lie about being grateful for leaving the island early. "Despite many apologies on the lady's end, the thought of leaving early and not seeing the mission through made me tremble with regret. Still, I turned back reluctantly. The currents had other plans though. They forced me back to the island..."

"Wait." The noble interrupted. "You actually stepped foot on the island?"

"Uh, yeah."

The noble's face went white at this revelation. The very island that spirited away sixty good men?

"Anyways," Jikka continued nonchalantly as his nose grew bigger, "I was conflicted about somehow trying to continue the mission... but I felt compelled to inform my charge's family of his death... To make a long story short, I left the place and came back here."

"Just a minute!" The noble yelled. "Care to explain this 'long story'?"

"Explain? That'd be a waste of effort. It's best I have nothing more to do with that island." Jikka began to smile to himself as he stroked his stubbled chin. "'Cause... that place isn't of this Earth. Only children and fools stick their hands in a hornets' nest, y'know?"

"H-how dare you! You almost seem to be implying that the shogun is a fool!"

"There's no 'almost' about it." Jikka carelessly answered until he saw the eye-bagged man put his hand in front of him. It was Shugen, the second-ranked member of the Yamada clan.

"My deepest apologies." The young man spoke politely as he began to bow down in forgiveness. "He is of the Yamada clan, yet he fails to keep his insolence in check. On behalf of our clan, I-- an assistant instructor-- take full responsibility. Please forgive us."

The noble growled. "Hmph. That's hardly enough to--"

"Hey," a servant interrupted as he pointed at Shugen, "that one... was involved in that incident..."

Knowing what happened, the noble changed his mind. "A-ahem, your colleague must be exhausted from his return journey. We shall overlook this offense."

"Now then..." the noble then pulled out a letter. "I shall read you a message from the shogun. It concerns the plans going forward, so listen well."

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