Chapter Twenty-Two: Cleave

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As the four charged towards the Kishikai form, they kept getting attacked by the monster until they released vines that pierced through all of them at once. Chobei got knocked down to a nearby pavilion.


It reacts to all four of us at once. Fuchi ached as he held his injured shoulder. Giving us no opening to strike the tandens!

"Shrimpy! Busty! Give me some cover!" Tamiya called his executioner and Mizuho. "I'm diving at the belly of the beast."


He dashed towards the pool. "I'll give you your opening, lady!"

"What in the world?!" Mizuho exclaimed in confusion.

"I can't say for certain," replied Fuchi, "but we must have faith!"

The two Yamada members deflected attacks towards themselves and Tamiya to clear a path for the Blade Dragon. Despite this, multiple vines kept puncturing more wounds in the convict. 

"Gantetsusai!" Fuchi cried out concernedly.

"No big deal!" Tamiya brushed off as he cut off the tentacles with some still stuck to his body. "Press on!"

It's clearly a bad deal. Fuchi contradicted in his head, observing the giant in front of him. He can try to fool us with sheer gusto, but alas... multiple lacerations and fractures. Internal bruising. Damaged organs. After nonstop battle, he's reached his limit.

Suddenly, the Kishikai form shot spores towards Fuchi before Mizuho used her tendrils to pull him away from the attack.

"Your Tao is crucial to helping me defeat Ju Fa!" the ravenette yelled at him, tearing up a bit. "Although yours isn't much, it's still important! Don't you dare die on me!!"

"A-alright, Mizuho..." Fuchi replied, trying to comfort her as he wiped his tears.

"Mizuho! Are you alright?!" Chobei screamed out from the top of pavilion.




Fuchi grabbed onto Mizuho as she and Chobei leaped to the air. Tamiya was swimming at the pool towards Tao Fa's and Ju Fa's shadow.

They're on their last legs but... we won't get another chance... at claiming victory here!

"Okay, I'm ready. Kiddos." Tamiya said underneath the Kishikai form, preparing his blade.

In a blink of an eye, the Blade Dragon cut the fusion in half, separating the lovers and leaving their tandens exposed.

"They're gonna to regenerate soon, Mizuho! Let's go for the kill!"

The ravenette had her sclera turn black before reverting back to white.

Ju Fa's tanden is... at the upper left!

All at once, Mizuho and Chobei used their Waitanhua forms to slash and pierce through the Tensen members' tandens. The swordwoman did Ju Fa, while the Bandit King did Tao Fa.

The immortal couple then fell down with Tao Fa dropping down to the pool while Ju Fa landed at the edge. In contrast, the mortal couple touched down nearby the long-haired blond as they noticed his weakened elderly state. On the other side, a withering Tao Fa was gasping for air, holding onto the side. Full of pity, Fuchi helped her get up as she slowly died.

"It is... all over now." The ninth-ranked Asaemon comforted the poor peach-haired girl. "Enough."

After he spoke those words, Fuchi cradled her carcass as he moved to the other side. Meanwhile, Ju Fa witnessed the scene, believing that Fuchi murdered his lover. 

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