What do the other Yamada clan members think of Mizuho?

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I've been using with some family business, but the next chapter might take awhile. In order to pad out the time, I made this small chapter for trivia reasons. I even added the sixth-ranked and seventh-ranked members of the clan, because they exist but only in side material. I'm also including the unranked members like Isuzu, Kiyomaru, and even Toma for the sake of completion. I'm not counting Kichiji because there isn't enough information about him, except he's Sagiri's father and is traditional. I know it sounds hypocritical since I added two ranked members who aren't part of the story, but it's most likely he barely interacts with Mizuho since she's unranked. These opinions were before Chobei and her arrived at the island. The same goes for the other characters' views. 


Mizuho's Opinions of the Yamada Clan Members:

1. Eizen: "He's an incredibly selfless man who honors the samurai code. Even though he would discourage me from following this path due to my gender and cowardice, I think of him as a father figure to me and the rest of the clan members. Although he isn't the strongest swordsman in our clan, Sir Eizen is great at diplomacy which helps solve conflicts."

2. Shugen: "At first, I found him scary because of his bleeding tears and eye bags. Despite his kind personality to everyone in the clan including myself, he's still intimidating because of his attitude towards criminals and anyone vaguely related to them. Shugen even beat me a lot when I was fighting for Toma's life. However, I thank Shugen for helping me train and be a part of the Yamada clan."

3. Jikka: "I know I've been taught to respect my seniors, but I hate him. I hate Jikka for his perverseness towards women, especially if they were prostitutes. Although I admire his swordsmanship, I wish he would spend more time doing his tasks than lazying about. He better not try sleeping with any of my sisters back at the mainland. Regardless, I'm thankful that he was the only one, asides from me, who was willing to teach Toma."

4. Shion: "I admire Sir Shion for his perseverance to fight despite his blindness. I also thank him for allowing me to be taught under his wing alongside Tenza, despite Shion being one year older than me. He's often humorous and we even share jokes to each other."

5. Senta: "Senta is honestly adorable. I love how he would spiel about the religious and spiritual subjects. Although I feel bad for the reasoning for his passions, I'm happy that he shows me his drawings in secret during breaks. His fencing is also as beautiful as his art."

6. Gagaimo: "Gagaimo-san is really pretty like his writing, and he could be the ladies' man because of his sociability. However, he's pretty picky with what kind of women he should date. Gagaimo-san doesn't date girls who get sick easily, but he mistakes it for cowardice. It's kind of annoying."

7. Tsumutsumu: "I think it's pretty cute that Tsumutsumu likes gardening and ikebana. It's a helpful activity for providing food and appreciating the arts. Thanks to his sewing skills, he even helped make me decorate my haori and fix my uniform whenever it would get damaged. During springtime, we would observe the bees and the butterflies fly above the flower fields."

8. Genji: "Although I admire his physical strength, I'm annoyed how hypocritical he is. Although Genji-san would discourage him to become a swordsman, he's kind of a pervert. Heck, he tried to become Cannibal Courtesan Akaginu's executioner like Kisho and Jikka until Shion won a game of kitsune-ken. Despite this, I admire Genji-san's dedication to learn calligraphy from Shugen and his support towards his little sister Isuzu."

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