Chapter Twenty: Two Halves, One Whole

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Minor snu-snu warning in the flashback! Marked with X's


Ju Fa sensed that something was going wrong with his lover as he faced in front of Chobei and Mizuho. The duo were contemplating on how to finish him off.

Gotta use the right attribute, or this isn't gonna work. And we can't afford to waste time, neither.  Gotta resort to that.

Suddenly, Chobei was interrupted by Mizuho, holding his shoulder.

"No, Chobei. Let me do it. Besides, we're equals, remember?"

"Right..." he said with a loving smile, looking at her willingness to help.

"You dare bare your fangs at us?" Ju Fa groaned, trying to act tough in front of them. "And presume that you stand a chance? Utter fools who fail to consider the bigger picture..."

"Bigger picture?" the Bandit King mocked, as he teasingly jabbed the ravenette with his elbow. "We're both skilled warriors who survived this island. I'm the infamous Bandit King, while she's a member of a famous executioner clan."

"Hmph." Ju Fa grumbled as he held out his hand to something poked out of the curtains. "Livestock.... The only common ground between us... is that two... are enough."

Both Mizuho and Chobei were astonished as an arm reached out to the long-haired blond. It was a tree made up of arms with fruits shaped like Tao Fa's head. She was growing from the first floor of the Bochu Jutsu Sanctum where the peach-haired girl fought Tamiya and Fuchi.

"Yeaaaah, Ju Faaa." The abomination cried out. "Help me out, 'kaaay?"

"Sorry, Tao Fa." Ju Fa apologized lovingly as he held hands with her. "I got overheated and left you all alone. But I see now that we two... must be together." Their hands started to fuse together as they slowly transformed. "Together... we will obliterate them."


"Ju Fa... Tao Fa... you are two parts of a while." Rien said to a younger version of the couple, especially towards the blond. "Yes. We are, all of us, family... but you are special."

I somehow felt it, even back then.

A few years later, Rien was helping younger versions of the other Lord Tensen members hone their skills. There was even a younger Mu Dan with red peony petals for hair and golden eyes alongside them.

The others... they didn't fear the Soshin or the Doshi. They diligently attended to our hermit training. Ju Fa remembered a young Tao Fa, clinging onto him. But Tao Fa cowered before the Soshin. And I never much enjoyed our studies.

Ju Fa remembered when a pillar dropped on top of Ran's head, seemingly killing him off. Despite the sight usually bringing fear to children, the younger versions of the Tensen members kept staring at what happened. 

When one of us got hurt, the others barely flinched. Ran's head proceeded to regenerate as vines sprouted out. Probably because... they knew we couldn't die. But I hated to see Tao Fa hurt, if no one else. Ju Fa reminisced on how he would treat her wounds, no matter how minor they seemed.

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