Chapter Twenty-One: Teamwork

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"I-Is that..." Mizuho stuttered.

"... a Kishikai form?" Chobei continued as they stared in fright at the new sight of Tao Fa's and Ju Fa's new form.

"They fused..." muttered Tamiya with a now slashed left eye.

"Feathers... or wings?" Fuchi questioned. "Whatever the case, they will find it difficult to move about in this cramped chamber."

"Ahh. Rrruh. Gyee. Kee." The pair mumbled eerily before screeching out a sonic attack to all four humans, forcing them to cover their ears with their hands.

"Can't even..." Tamiya groaned in pain, "... fight back."

"Huh?! Come again?!" his executioner yelled out, holding his blades and ears with his hands.

"Chobei!!" Yoruhime screamed towards her companion as he threw his dao towards the beast, only to miss.

The creature then flew upwards, breaking the roof as it hovered above the Sanctum.

"It's flying just fine with those winglets." Tamiya noticed the imbalanced sets of wings.

"Indeed," answered Fuchi, "which should be impossible, given their structure. Unnatural. Improper. And yet, there is something captivating about it. Almost as if it's the embodiment of love itself."

The duo were shaken when they heard Chobei's dao drop on the floor, thankful that the blade didn't fall on them.


"Heh." Tamiya mocked towards Chobei. "So the Bandit King's still struggling even after turning traitor to the Tensen?"

"After that monster, you're next, old-timer." Threatened Chobei coldly.

"Chobei!" Mizuho scolded.

"See? Listen to your woman--"

"Let me do that instead. He has Fire Tao, while I have Water Tao. Besides, I almost beat the shit out of him."

The Bandit King laughed at her bold suggestion as the Blade Dragon and his executioner looked in shock. Fuchi found it rare for Mizuho to swear casually.

"Despite that," she continued, "we have to deal with that."

Tamiya suddenly started to laugh manically.

"Fuchi! What's wrong with him?!" Mizuho screamed out.

"I don't kno--" Fuchi's response was interrupted once he looked up above.

Tao Fa's and Ju Fa's Kishikai form was spreading out seeds from their tendrils as the Blade Dragon continued to howl in laughter, writhing on the floor.

"Gantetsusai?! Hold still!" his executioner asked as he held out his swords, noticing a bud sprouting at his nape. "Those cotton-like spores are to blame!"

The Blade Dragon continued laughing manically until Fuchi pulled the plant out with his tweezers. Tamiya groaned out of embarrassment and pain.

"We must find cover!! We're in danger if those spores adhere to us!!"

Fuchi looked up to see more spores dropping down. Instinctively, Chobei grabbed a cloth to swing around him and Mizuho, preventing any buds from sticking to them. He then stood on top of the fence.

"Let's go, Mizuho."

Following him, both Chobei and Mizuho transformed into their Waitanhua forms as they jumped high towards the Kishikai form, using their tendrils to move. The ravenette held onto to the monster while holding the Bandit King's hand as he gashed Tao Fa's tanden. Her half screamed in pain, due to Tao Fa's Wood being weak to Chobei's Metal. Although it seemed like the duo was about to win, the Kishikai form suddenly had its upper body cut in half, releasing vines that tear the two before piercing them both. Having both Chobei and Mizuho in their grasps, the monster flew down near the pool beside the Bochu Jutsu Sanctum, dragging the humans through the pool furniture before throwing them both to the building. The Bandit King and the swordswoman were forced to transform back to their normal forms as they crouched down in exhaustion.

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