Good day Hexside Academy

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The amazing sound of birds chirping, the sun shining into Amity's room, her slowly getting up to soak all the sunlight in. She yawned and slowly made her way out of her bed. Amity Blight was a very smart lady. She excelled and passed with A's in every grade or school she attended. She had no problems with the teachers, or students for that matter. Though the honest truth was...

Amity Blight was a slight bitch.

She was kind enough to greet you if you said hello to her but rude enough to curse you out if you got on her nerves just a little. She could make your life a living hell. Only if she wanted to. So, everyone she attended high school with stayed away from her. She didn't mind it. She didn't care to have friends, as long as she succeeded in life. That was Amity Blight's motto. The motto her mother drilled into poor Amity's brain.

But this year was slightly different. She would be a college student. This year Amity Blight would be away from her parents and siblings, starting her own life. Hexside University was a school in the northeast region of Massachusetts. That was where Amity lived for three years, after being in California for most of her life. She took a year to do the online 1st-year course at Hexside, but now she was going to actually attend there as a student. Not that she wanted to, just that her only friend, Boscha practically begged her to.

Amity finished brushing her teeth and proceeded to brush her fluffy purple hair. She yawned softly and walked out of her bathroom, into her bedroom once again. As she was walking to her huge closet, her phone rung from her bed. She picked it up and squinted in annoyance at the contact name.

"Good morning, Amititty!" a loud voice rang into Amity's ear. "Didn't I tell you to stop calling me that Boscha?" Amity sighed as she turned her phone's volume down. "Nope, never heard you say that," Boscha replied. Amity didn't respond and just started looking into her closet for an outfit. "Soo... have you seen what dorm you're in?" Boscha asked. "I literally don't even have an outfit to wear, and you're pressuring me about a dorm room?" the purple-haired girl rolled her eyes, still rummaging through her clothes; even though she provided herself with a large selection of them. "Girl... your closet is bigger than my bedroom, and you're complaining about stuff to wear?" Boscha giggled a bit, but that made Amity even more angry. "Whatever." Amity mumbled and felt a slightly soft body on her leg.

She leaned down to pick up the small animal as it jumped onto her shoulder. "Ghost, you want to help me pick out an outfit?" Amity rubbed the cat's chin like she was expecting it to respond to her. Ghost simply meowed. "Cat lady," Boscha snickered. "When I see you, I'm going to punch you in the fucking face, Bosh." Amity raised her tone, though it didn't bother Boscha at all. "Yeah yeah. I'm going to get ready for school. My annoying roommate won't stop yelling about some Justin Bieber concert." Boscha groaned. "You mean Skara? She's not that bad if you hang out with her more than me." Amity smiled. "Oh, you do not want to know. But I'll see you when I see you, alright?" Boscha said. Amity simply hummed as Boscha hung up the phone.

Ghost jumped down from her shoulder, and Amity sighed. Who knew it was this hard to choose an outfit?

Amity eventually settled on a gray cardigan with a white button-up shirt under it and a blue plaid skirt. She put on light makeup and eyeliner. Amity was the queen of applying eyeliner, so she never had to worry about looking bad. The girl walked up to the mirror and felt like there was something missing. "Jewelry... necklace... purse..." Amity counted the things she had and looked at her vanity to see some cute shades just sitting there. Amity picked them up and slid the shades on her head. She looked in a mirror again and smiled in response.

"Alright Ghost, I'm heading out. I'll be back soon, okay?" Amity picked up her cat and kissed her on the forehead. Ghost meowed and Amity sat her down.

She grabbed her suitcase packed with things for her dorm and headed outside. The Blight threw the luggage inside the back seat of her white BMW m5. It was her dream car, and she was so happy when her dad bought it for her two summers ago.

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