You're my worst nightmare

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Amity woke up to a random bang. She instantly shot up and turned her light on. Of course, this had made her groggy and annoyed. "What the hell is that noise?" the girl thought before turning her phone on and checking the time. It was three in the morning and Amity continued to hear the noises of annoyed grunting and loud music. She walked out of her room and put an ear on her neighbor's door. And she was right, it was indeed coming from her room. Amity grabbed the knob on the door and twisted it open.

"What the hell are you doing up at three in the morning!?" Amity rubbed her eyes and looked at the girl sitting on her bed. She was focused on some kind of paper.

It took Luz a while to notice that Amity had even opened the door. "Huh?" Luz looked up from her notebook and stared at Amity before grinning. Amity looked a bit confused as to what she was grinning for. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Amity questioned. "Those Good Witch Azura pajamas are cute Blight~" Luz winked before looking back at her notebook. Amity just stood there until she realized she was wearing the limited edition Good Witch Azura pajamas. She instantly turned into a tomato and got even more annoyed. "Don't talk about my pajamas. Let's talk about the fact that you're up at three in the damn morning! People are trying to sleep?" Amity groaned and still didn't bother to come any closer to the girl in the room. "Oh shit, did I wake you up? My bad" Luz yawned and continued writing. Amity just sighed in annoyance. She knew she couldn't convince the brunette to care. "At least turn your music down. Titan." Amity sighed. "Titan? Is that a cute way of saying Jeez?" Luz leaned on the backboard of her bed and raised an eyebrow. "Shut up." Amity whispered and started to close the door.

"Wait, wait come back please?" Luz called out which made Amity shut the door faster. "Seriously! I'm sorry!" Luz yelled to Amity who was in the hallway. "Ugh fine! Hexside students are annoying..." Amity opened the door back and was greeted once again by the Dominican. "You don't want to hang out or anything?" Luz asked and put her notebook down. "Is this girl serious?" Amity looked dumbfounded. "What?" she whispered. "You don't want to hang out? I mean we have classes in like four hours anyway" Luz replied. "That's even more of a reason for me not to hang out with you?" Amity said. "Come on? Don't you want to get to know some more people?" Luz smiled. "Not you" the cat-eyed girl sighed. "Ouch, Blight. You shot me right in the heart" Luz clutched her chest in a dramatic way and stood up. "Good, can I go to sleep? I don't want anything to do with you, we're only roommates, and we'll never be friends." Amity was about to close the door once again until Luz stopped her. "Pleaseeee, I'm bored Pinkie-Pie" the Noceda frowned. "Don't call me that again Noceda." Amity sent her a death glare. "I'll stop if you hang out with me" Luz smiled like an innocent child. "Dammit! You're so annoying..." Amity stopped trying to close the door. "So... is that a yes?" Luz questioned. "Yes..." Amity whispered. "Great!" Luz moved away from the door.

The two of them were sitting on opposite sides of Luz's bed. "You're not much of a talker are you?" Luz asked. "You just annoy me." Amity responded with no mercy. "Okay then... uhhh. How about we go do something outside?" Luz stood up. "What? Are you trying to kidnap me or something?" Amity followed. "No? I don't kidnap pretty girls" Luz laughed which made Amity blush... only a little. "So you kidnap ugly girls?" Amity questioned. "Yes Amity... that's totally what I meant" Luz sighed. "Word your sentence's better" She rolled her eyes. "Word your life better!" Luz stopped in front of the purple-haired girl and pointed a finger at her. "Huh!? That makes no sense!?" Amity snickered which made Luz stop to stare at her. "So that's what she looks like when she's laughing... Cute" Luz thought.  "Just come on... I got to show you a cool place" Luz grabbed her hand and started to run out of her room. "What!? Idiot, I'm wearing pajamas!" Amity yelled. "It's alright. I like Good Witch Azura too" Luz smiled. "That's not the issue you dumbass!" she continued.

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