Hell in a house

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Luz yawned and crawled out of bed. It wasn't her bed obviously, but it was still pretty comfy. The Dominican looked around a bit and frowned. "I was expecting to see a purple-haired goddess lying next to me, but I guess beggars can't be choosers" Luz shrugged and started to walk out of the room. She calmly walked downstairs and raised an eyebrow at the scene.

"AMITITTY HELP!? WHY IS SHE GLARING AT ME LIKE THAT" Boscha yelled, backing away from Ghost. "Maybe because she doesn't like you" Amity shrugged and walked into the living room. Amity was wearing an apron with her hair tied back, it was a rare sight to Luz; so she didn't notice that her face was changing in color. Amity noticed Luz and sighed. "Are you going to keep gawking at me Noceda? I know I'm hot, but damn" Amity smirked and walked back into the kitchen. "At least you acknowledge why I was staring at you hermosa" the Noceda smiled which just made Amity sigh even more in annoyance. Luz walked to the couch where Ghost was sitting and gave her a slight pet. Boscha frowned in disapproval. "I literally knew Ghost for over 5 years, and she still gives me this treatment while giving your girlfriend special treatment" Boscha rolled her eyes.

"She's not my girlfriend." Amity rolled her eyes. "Woah, don't you mean 'not yet' princesa~?" Luz strolled over to the kitchen with Ghost in hand. "I mean not ever you dimwit" Amity growled as she flipped the french toast over in the pan. "Wow, never been called that before. Ouch," she frowned and sat down on the barstool pressed up to the kitchen island. "Aww, you're giving Luz special names~ You totally have the hots for her" Boscha gave Amity puppy eyes while Amity gave her a death glare. "Who peed in your coffee this morning? Jeez," Boscha frowned, opening her phone to do her daily stalking of Willow's Instagram. "Why are you even in my house Bosh... it's literally 10 am on a Saturday. Don't you have better things to do?" Amity finished cooking and sat the plates down on the dining table. "I have a key" Boscha pulled out her key and swung it around. "...Boscha" Amity whispered. "Amity..." Boscha whispered.

"THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU LIVE HERE?" Amity yelled. Luz just stood there in silence, playing with Ghost. "Mommy Amity is scary, isn't she? Aww, you agree Ghost? You're so cute~" Luz petted Ghost's neck which made her simply purr. "Don't ever call me mommy again." Amity whispered. It was already annoying at the fact that Boscha basically broke into her home, but Luz wasn't making things better. "Why not~?" Luz frowned and stopped petting Ghost to look at Amity.

"Okay. Boscha get out of my house, Luz shut the hell up before I actually kill you." Amity said in a serious tone. Boscha immediately understood and sighed. "You could've asked me to leave earlier" Boscha rolled her eyes and stood up from the couch. Amity was going to say something but just decided to leave it alone. "It's clear the girl has mental problems, I'll let this one go" she thought before sitting down at the dinner table. Boscha opened and closed the front door. So with Boscha gone, all Amity had to focus on was Luz Noceda. "So... didn't know you could cook hermosa."  Luz slowly sat down in a seat next to Amity, with her plate of breakfast. "Are you going to tell me who Scarlett is now?" was all Amity said.

The question threw off Luz entirely. "Is that the first thing you ask me?" Luz whispered. "Luz, come on. Just answer the question, you're only going to make it harder for yourself" Amity whispered and looked down at Ghost who was nudging her leg underneath the table. "Why do you always ask me so many questions Amity? You don't need to know everything about me." Luz mumbled which made Amity's heart drop. Luz was right. Why was she asking all these questions? What was this weird infatuation with Luz? "Because I want to know if there's something bothering you, maybe I could help" Amity replied.

That was a lie. Amity had no clue why she was asking Luz questions after questions. It was like... she was jealous and wanted to know more about the girls that Luz had a bad past with. She wanted to know what kind of romantic life Luz had in the past. Not because she liked Luz... she didn't right? "I guess that makes sense... aww the Blight is warming up to me~" Luz teased as she got up to wash her dishes. Amity did the same, so now the two were washing dishes together. "Never." Amity groaned and dried her hands with a napkin. "Yeah you are~ just admit it hermosa" Luz smirked and put her finger on Amity's chin, making her look up at the taller girl. Amity blushed slightly before wacking Luz's hand away. "Oh screw you" Amity rolled her eyes and walked into the living room to sit down. "You wanna screw me? Woah, Amity we barely know each other" Luz grinned and sat down next to her. "I never said that" Amity whispered. "You so did" Luz continued to pester the purple-haired girl. "Stop avoiding the topic, Luz. Tell me who Scarlett is. You said you would" Amity looked upset, which made Luz's eyes soften up. "I... alright," she whispered before sighing. "Scarlett is... Hunter's ex-girlfriend," she mumbled.

"You mean the guy that we saw yesterday?" Amity raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, that's Hunter Wittebane. He's a huge douche who has the most perfect life and perfect everything and has such a fucking punchable face-" Luz ranted before Amity grabbed her arm. "Chill out Noceda. Titan" Amity laughed while Luz blushed in return. Amity's laugh was pretty.

"Why did he bring up Scarlett?" Amity questioned. "Well... uhm" Luz adjusted her beanie. "Luz...?" Amity whispered. "I might have... done something with his girlfriend that he didn't like." Luz awkwardly smiled. Amity smacked her forehead. "Jesus this girl needs help," Amity thought. "Did you and her... did you-" Amity thought of a way to explain what she was trying to ask. "N-No! Oh heavens no! We didn't do that..." the Noceda replied. "What did you do then?" she asked Luz. "Well... I didn't do anything. It was Scarlett, she kissed me." Luz whispered. "Huh!? She kissed you? But why, wasn't she dating Hunter?" Amity looked a bit disgusted at this 'Scarlett' girl. "I think she was just trying to comfort me, and that was the only way she knew how to? I don't know" Luz sighed. "But, Hunter walked in and saw us. I didn't have the time to explain what happened so he ran off and has hated me ever since" Luz said. "So you and Hunter were friends before?" Amity asked. "No, we were only forced to talk since Scarlett and I were friends. When I first came to Hexside, Gus introduced me to her since she was his childhood friend. So Willow, Gus, and her kinda just got along, then when she and Hunter started dating he kinda tagged along sometimes. We even rode our motorcycles together and sometimes had nice talks" Luz explained.

"Does Hunter even go to Hexside?" the Blight raised a brow. "I'm pretty sure he does, I think he just hasn't been going to classes since the incident. We ended up fighting in front of the whole school and I beat his ass." Luz shrugged. "This sounds like it's Scarlett's fault" Amity sighed. "You think so?" Luz looked confused. "Yeah, why did she have to comfort you? That's the main question" Amity asked. "It's... I can't tell you that. It's something that happened when I lived in Connecticut" Luz responded. Amity just stared at her in confusion. At this point, the Blight didn't even care anymore. This whole backstory was giving her a headache. "Did they break up? Or are they still together?" Amity asked. "No, they broke up. I heard Gus still talks to Hunter though, but I'm not going to judge him based on who he talks to." Luz shrugged. "Do you still talk to Scarlett?" she asked. That's really what Amity wanted to know. "Not... not really? I take one class with her but we don't talk to each other. She's not a bad person I promise, but it would just be awkward if we started talking randomly" Luz laughed.

"Okay then... that's good. I guess." Amity mumbled. She looked a bit bothered about the whole thing. Luz noticed this and looked a bit confused. "Are you jealous Amity?" Luz asked, being the oblivious person she is. Amity's eyes widened and she rolled them. "Why would I be jealous? It's not like I like you or anything" Amity said. "Yeah... you're right." was all Luz said before getting up. It didn't look like Luz was upset or anything. And that bothered Amity. But why?

"Hey, hermosa. Could we head back to Hexside? I don't want to admit it, but I kind of miss Eda. Just a tiny little bit" Luz put her fingers together to show how little she missed Eda. "You saw her like two days ago" Amity squinted her eyes in confusion. "Hey! Two days is a lot" Luz pouted. Amity just smiled and picked up Ghost. "I guess, I'm not going to keep you kidnapped in my house forever" Amity shrugged. "Ghost's coming to the dorms?" Luz looked at her furry companion, who jumped from Amity to her arms. "I mean I wouldn't want Ghost to starve. I don't think I'm gonna be home that often anyway... and I guess she took a liking to you" Amity sighed and started to grab Ghost's items. "Yeah, she obviously likes me more than you" Luz grinned and petted Ghost. "Whatever" was all Amity said. After a while, the two were ready to go and got in Amity's car to head to Hexside. Amity looked at the passenger seat where Luz was petting Ghost in. She smiled, but that smile instantly got interrupted by a slightly annoyed look. "Scarlett... is Scarlett the only girl that Luz has had a rough past with?" Amity thought. She sighed and looked at the road. Maybe the Blight was just overthinking.

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