What a nice shade of Scarlet

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"WAKE THE HELL UP YOU IDIOT" a voice yelled from outside her cabin room. Luz rolled her eyes and walked to the door. "I just got out of the shower, shut the fuck up" Luz groaned as she opened her door to see Willow. "Oh sorry, I totally thought that you were slumbering" they rolled their eyes. "Why the hell would I be sleeping at one in the afternoon? But, what do you want? I'm changing" Luz mumbled. "Ms. Ambrose told us we're doing camp stuff. So hurry up" Willow spoke up. "And you couldn't text me that?" Luz gave them a confused look. Willow thought for a moment. "Ohh yeah, that's what phones are for..." Willow scratched their neck. Luz just looked dumbfounded. "Yeah kill yourself" She rolled her eyes and closed the door on her best friend.

Eventually, she got ready, Luz wore her beanie, a simple black Adidas jacket, and sweatpants. She walked out of the cabin and downstairs to see Ms. Ambrose along with the other girls standing there. "What the hell" she whispered to herself as she walked up to Amity. "God this woman talks straight out of her ass" Amity groaned. "Tell me about it" Luz sighed. Amity jumped not expecting her to pop up out of nowhere. Luz examined Amity. She wore a white crop top, black jeans, and her purple hair in a ponytail. "Woah, you look good" Luz nodded as she agreed with herself. "Are you dumb" Amity rolled her eyes. "Possibly" she shrugged as Willow walked up to the two. "Alright! So everyone, when we go outside we have a camping site set up. Obviously, you won't be sleeping in tents, but you will be doing activities. The first activity is one involving cooking" the teacher spoke up. This made Amity intrigued. "You will work together with a few people from other classes in groups to make dishes for your group. We brought a variety of ingredients." Ms. Ambrose continued. "What dish do we make?" a student raised their hand. "I don't give a damn, as long as it's edible" she shrugged. "Wow, so enthusiastic" Willow laughed. "I hope I'm in your group hermosa~" Luz brushed Amity's shoulder as she brushed her off. "I hope I'm not" she rolled her eyes. "But, let's head out. I'm sure Principal Bump already told the other classes what we're doing" Ms. Ambrose spoke as she walked out of the lodge. "I hope that the assistant principal isn't having a rough time back at campus" Willow sighed.

They made it to the campsite in the middle of all the lodges, seeing all of the other second-year classes. "Alright! We have a box right here with the color of the group you'll be in. Each student from my class draw a color" Mrs. Johnson explained. Everyone in her class drew a color and walked to where their group was supposed to be set up. "Now my class" another teacher exclaimed. After a while, every class got a color. Gus walked up to Luz and the other two. "What color did you get Wills?" Gus asked. "I got red. What about you?" they asked. "I got green" he sighed. "Blue" Amity let out, showing off her blue card. "Oh lucky you, you're with Boscha," Willow smirked. Amity sighed. "Of course I am" she frowned. "Aw man, I got green..." Luz frowned. "Thank god" Amity rolled her eyes. "How offensive?" Luz pouted. "Welp, I'll see you later" Willow walked away to her group's canopy tent as Amity waved to the two as she did the same. You could see her walking off in the distance talking with Boscha and Skara as Willow spoke with Matt. "Well I guess we're in a group together Luzura" Gus grinned. "I'm gonna squish your tiny head" Luz laughed as she ruffled up Gus's hair. They walked up to their group's canopy tent and saw four other students, all from different classes.

"Oh Scarlett look, we've got our other two member's" A boy spoke up. Luz froze in basically fear as she heard the name. "That's great! Now we can start giving everyone jobs" She turned around to see Gus and Luz. Scarlett froze as well. The two were just staring at each other in silence as the other four looked confused. That was Scarlett Meyer, no doubt about it. Her bold red hair and green eyes stood out to almost anyone on campus. She was known as the 'Cherry Princess' due to her kind nature and hair color which was a stupid name for College students to give a girl. Her reputation practically skyrocketed after the fight with Hunter and Luz. "H-Haha, so Scarlett!" Gus ran up to her with a nervous smile. Scarlett snapped out of her little trance and awkwardly laughed. "O-Oh, it's nice to see you, Augustus. How is Ms. Ambrose's class? It was a shame to have you two kicked out" Scarlett sighed. "It's fine, she's a bit weird but Luz and Amity are in there so it's alright. Wish Matt and you could've joined" Gus frowned. "Amity?" Scarlett whispered to herself. "Anywho! Who knows how to cook? Because I sure don't!" Gus proudly smiled as everyone laughed. "How about three of us work on setting the table up and getting ingredients while the other three cook?" Some random guy said. "I guess that can work" Luz shrugged. "I'm too lazy to go run to the ingredient table so I'll stick with the cooking group" Gus shrugged. "You damn idiot, it's literally right there?" Luz pointed to the table in the distance. "Too far" he groaned. Luz sighed. "I know how to cook, I take Culinary Science as one of my major's" Scarlett raised her hand as Gus grinned. "Great! Luz here takes Culinary Arts... so since you're both in the culinary department you two can group with me" Gus snatched Luz's hand and walked up to Scarlett.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13 ⏰

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