The real Luz Noceda isn't that bad

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Amity POV:

I looked at Luz after hugging her for a while. It felt a bit weird, it was like hugging a giant in distress. I probably won't ever hug this girl again... this was just a one-time thing. Right?

"You alright now?" I asked while backing away. "Yep, now that I got a hug from Amity Blight I feel like I can conquer world domination" she smirked. "Yeah... you're definitely not getting another one" I rolled my eyes. "That's a loss for you" the Dominican shrugged and walked over to her bed. When she sat down, she patted a spot next to her signaling me to sit right there. I walked over to her and sat down. "You're ready to talk?" I asked while looking at the taller girl. "Si" was all she said before falling down on her backside, looking at her ceiling fan. I just sat there, waiting for an explanation.

"Hey Blight" she whispered, still looking at the ceiling. "Hmm?" I mumbled, facing her. "Do you have a good relationship with your parents?" she asked, slowly raising her body up to the headboard of her bed. That question hit me like a knife in the chest. Do... do I have a good relationship with my parents? What brought that on?

"We're talking about you here. Don't change the subject" I scold her before sighing. "No genuinely, that's why I asked you" she awkwardly laughed. "Do I really have to tell you?" I groaned while crossing my legs on her bed. "Indeed you do Blight. It's a fair trade" she responded, now looking at me and not the ceiling anymore. "Alright. But you better not listen to me and then don't tell me what's up with you." I frown. Luz put her hands up "Woah Ms. Policeman. Scout's honor" she laughed. Luz... had a nice laugh.

"Good. But... I actually don't have the greatest relationship with my parents. I moved to Massachusetts to get away from them." I faked a smile and looked out of Luz's balcony door. It was bright outside, classes probably were still going on. "Really? You seem like the girl whose parents are filthy rich and buy stuff for her out of unconditioned love." Luz crossed her legs just like me. "What!? Hell no! My parents don't love me at all. Maybe my dad, but my mom hates my guts." I growl. "My mom hates me too, that's why I asked." Luz smiled but I could tell it was bothering her.

"Why? I mean sure, you're a trouble-maker but aren't Hispanic's parents really understanding?" I question. Then it went silent and Luz stared at me with a blank stare. "Amity... are you racist or something?" she raised an eyebrow. "W-What? What makes you think that?" I look at her with the same amount of confusion. "Nothing, nothing. Maybe UK people are just clueless or something" Luz shrugged her shoulders.


"Yeah, but no, she hates me and that's probably the reason why I turned out this way." she scratched her hair. It was weird seeing her without the beanie on. "What way?" I asked. "Well... you've heard the rumors right? I'm a 'womanizer' who flirts with every girl I can. It's basic knowledge for any student at Hexside" Luz chuckled a bit, before going back to her serious tone. "You see, my dad died when I was a little kid. I don't know if I started being a huge douche to other people because of that, or because of the fact that I'm just a bitch." she explained, with a small amount of sadness in her voice. I mean sure I hate my parents... but it would be weird to only have one of them. "I'm sorry about that..." I whispered. "No no! You're fine, you probably wouldn't even understand. But, my mom was never home with me as a kid so I had to learn how to do things on my own. At school, I acted out because whenever the principal would call her she would never pick up. She... she never cared... so I stopped caring too." Luz looked down at her hands. "But you're at Hexside, right? Is there a reason for that?" I asked. I wasn't trying to pry or anything... her story was just a bit interesting.

"Oh right. I moved here from Connecticut around four years ago? I got into a situation with this girl I was... friends with, and I wanted to get away from her and my mami" Luz looked away for a moment. "I thought this was my chance to start over, you know? Maybe meet some friends who actually care for me and pursue my writing and music career" she smiled. "Like Willow, right?" I questioned. "Mhm. Wills is amazing. Then there's Augustus and Matt. You actually should meet them sometime" Luz looked at me with a smile.

I don't know how a person who just tried to kill themselves a second ago... could smile so brightly. Luz is such a weird creature.

"I'll think about it... I don't really like meeting new people" I mumbled. "Seem's like an Amity thing." Luz laughed. "Luz... if you're doing good now, why did even think about pulling that stunt from earlier?" I look at her seriously. "That's a good question... I actually got upset about what Eda and Willow kept on mentioning and that kinda got to my head a bit." Luz awkwardly grinned. "About your girlfriends and stuff, right?" I asked. "Yeah. I don't know... I hate when people bring up stuff that I've been trying to improve. It makes me a bit insecure. You get that right?" Luz looked at me. "Huh? Oh... yeah I get that." I look away. Boscha does it all the time... she talks about how much of a bitch I used to act compared to now. I mean I still suck, but at least I'm trying to not suck as much.

"I've actually never had a girlfriend. I've kissed a few people, yeah. But I've never cheated or dated anyone... and that's what people say I do. It's just that, rumors really get to you" Luz mumbled. "But I'm alright now! I think? No, I'm fine." Luz switched her attitude up and smiled. "Luz," I whispered and grabbed her hand. I could tell it surprised her a bit. "Que?" she looked at me confusingly. "Tell me if anything is bothering you alright? I know I can be a bit annoyed at everything you might say, but If you're less annoying I might listen. No promises though" I smile at her. Luz just stared at me and grinned. "Oh yeah? Going soft on me Blight?" she chuckled. "Nope, it's just a development. I still hate your guts for tripping me up with that skateboard" I got up from her bed and started to walk away. 

"Hmm? Come on, that was just an accident" I saw Luz get up out of the corner of my eye. "Never going to forgive you for that" I roll my eyes, opening her door. "What if I give you a kiss? You'll forgive me then won't you?" she pleaded. The thought of her lips... kissing mine. Amity you're so fucking gay. "I don't swing that way" I headed to the kitchen. "What? You don't like girls? I totally thought you did" Luz groaned as I reached the pantry to grab the coffee beans. And... I couldn't reach the pantry. Great.

As I sighed, I felt a body on mine. I turned around to see Luz holding the coffee beans in her hands. I blushed and snatched it from her. "You were a little too comfy being right on my fucking ass Noceda." I back away from her. "But look, you're blushing, aren't you? That means you like girls right? Case solved" She stood proudly. "No, I would blush if anyone's crotch was on my damn ass. I'm getting a restraining order on you." I frowned. "But you know you don't want to be away from the one and only Luz Noceda. I'm irresistable~" she teased and watched me make coffee. "Ew, get away from me. You're like a little leech" I laughed. "That's because I'll always be stuck to you. For years until you graduate from this hellhole" Luz smirked.

"Okay... you two are already starting off on a good morning" I heard a voice come from the living room. The two of us turned around to see Willow just sitting down on the couch.

"Willow!?" Luz yelled and her face turned into an instant blush. I've actually never seen Luz blush. "Yo," Willow waved a hand. "H-How the hell did you get in here?" Luz walked up to her friend. "You keep leaving your key under the mat. Here" Willow tossed a key at Luz, and she caught it. "You're so frustrating" Luz groaned. "You're just mad I caught you two having flirty time" Willow shrugged. "We- We weren't- ugh! I hate Hexside! I'm going to my room" I grabbed my coffee and was getting ready to head to my room, but Willow stopped me. "Woah don't be mad. I came to see if you guys wanted to hang out" They stood up while patting Luz's shoulder. "Don't you have class Willow..." Luz sighed. "Yes, I do. But you do too." Willow pointed at Luz in annoyance. "Good point..." she whispered.

"So? Do you guys want to hang out? Or no? I mean we're all friends here" Willow yawned. "I never agreed to being anyone's friend. Plus I have work to do" I mumbled. "Yes? Great! Now change, we're leaving in five minutes. Chop chop" Willow clapped their hands and sat back down. I actually hate these two's guts. "I'm going to end up offing myself by the end of the semester," I whispered and dragged my lifeless body into my room. "Maybe Boscha can tag along... if she's willing to skip her classes," I mumble while closing my door. Actually... I can probably get Boscha and Willow together? Then maybe they'll be annoying to each other and I'll only have to deal with Luz. Sound's perfect.

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