A nice, warm, bath

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Okay, guys, I know angst may be SUPERRR soon, LIKE SUPER SOON, but for the plot of the story it has to be in here. It's also for the bonding process of the two. I swear that the next few chapters will be fun. I'm not rushing it, it's just the plot. (Also this chapter was going to be one but I'm going to break it into two parts bc I'm tired) Luv you, xoxo

Luz looked at herself in the mirror before sighing. "What the hell is wrong with me...?" she whispered. The Latina walked closer to it before slowly taking her shirt off. "Doing this... won't change the fact that I still fucking hate myself" she trailed the red marks on her left hand and laughed. "I'm so... weird? The stupid phase I had in middle school to the arguing with my mom, and now that I magically declared that I was moving to Massachusets to get away from her and be happy. I'm not even happy!? Why can't someone just fucking see it? Why does everyone just think I'm an actual jerk who makes out with every single entity in the world? I stopped it... I'm not even like that anymore... I'm not rude or continuing that stupid womanizer thing I had going on in first year. I can be nice... I can be a decent person sometimes" Luz groaned before walking back and forth in front of her mirror. "Why am I even at Hexide? What do I even want to do with myself? Why... can't someone just..." she whispered before wiping the tears down her face, away.

Amity yawned and got off of her bed. It was six still and she couldn't even decide what she wanted to wear. This was a huge problem, honestly the biggest problem in the world. "Should I call Boscha? No no... she's probably getting ready herself. Ed or Em? Actually, they're probably asleep" Amity groaned. "Why don't I have any kind of friends!? I'm a fun person!" she started to count the cool things about her on her fingers until she thought of something. "Maybe I could... never mind. Nope, nope, nope" she scrunched her face up.

There she was, at the Noceda's door. Staring directly at the golden name tag with a bunch of skateboard stickers on the door. "Okay... it's not even weird. She's probably going to give me a perfect compliment on my dress. That's just something she would do" Amity whispered. Amity was in fact wearing a dress. It was a pink and white dress that had the word 'HEXSIDE' plastered on it. She didn't even like Hexside yet, and she was already wearing clothes that matched the school spirit. Amity took her hand and swallowed the knot stuck in her throat. "This isn't weird, yep. We're both girls, I'm just asking her what she thinks, and I'll never do it again" Amity slowly knocked on the door and closed her eyes. "I saw her like twenty minutes ago! It's a hundred percent not weird!" Amity comforted herself before waiting to knock again. "Luz?" she called out her name. No response. "Luz? You awake?" Amity called out again. But no response.

Amity raised an eyebrow. She didn't want to be the person to barge in, but it was a bit weird Luz didn't reply at all. A 'I'll be right there!' is one thing, but not responding is another. "Uh, I'm coming in?" Amity whispered, before opening the door. "I swear If this idiot fell asleep while getting ready..." Amity sighed while walking in, not even seeing her in the room. Amity was just plain confused now. "Luz? What the actual hell? Why are you playing hide and seek with me? We're not even that close enough to do that" The purple-haired girl walked around her bedroom before seeing that her bathroom door was open. She sighed and started heading over there. "Luz, I know you're in there" Amity walked in front of the bathroom door and didn't even see her in view. "I'm literally never going to talk to you again." Amity frowned and walked inside. Luz wasn't in there. Amity grabbed the shower curtain and closed her eyes with a sigh. She opened it. "Wow... I found you. Happy now..." Amity opened her eyes and looked into the tub where Luz was lying. It took her a few moments to notice, but when she did her whole heart dropped.

"Luz!?" Amity panicked at the girl lying in the tub, obviously drowning due to the water being over her face. "What the fuck happened in twenty minutes!?" Amity pulled Luz up and dragged her out of the tub. It may not seem like it, but Amity was a pretty strong individual. "Luz! Did you do this yourself? I'm so confused!?" Amity dragged her onto her bed. "Sorry for dragging you like this, unconscious Luz. But you're super heavy." Amity sat on her bed and felt her neck for her pulse. "Okay... she's not dead and she's still breathing. Thank god, I really didn't want to take the blame for it" Amity sighed. She looked at Luz for a moment before grabbing her hand and rubbing it, until she realized something. She took a look at her hand and her eyes widened. "Oh, Luz... I don't know why I thought I knew you after two days when I clearly didn't..." she thought. "So she's a cutter... should I really be seeing this? Did she just try to kill herself just now? Titan bless these Hexside students." Amity sighed before laying Luz's head on her thighs. She realized that Luz wasn't wearing the beanie but didn't question it that much. "Maybe she didn't want to get her beanie wet?" Amity started playing with Luz's wet brown hair while waiting for her to wake up.


"Seriously? You talked to Willow without me?"

"Boscha you know you wouldn't have been up at four"

Luz woke up to girl chatter and blinked a few times. "Heaven has girl chat? Interesting." she thought before realizing that she was lying on... someone's thighs? She slowly looked up at the purple hair on her face and raised an eyebrow "Girl chat, Boscha, thighs... and purple hair?" Luz thought before shooting up out of the comfortable position. "A-Ahh!" Amity yelled "A-Ahhh...!?" Luz yelled back. Amity said goodbye to her cellmate before blushing madly. "I didn't think you were going to be awake so soon!?" Amity yelled. "I didn't think I would be sleeping on your thighs this morning!?" Luz scooted away from Amity. "When you say it like that it kind of sounds like I'm a weirdo?" Amity thought. "You are. You're a cute one though~" Luz smiled.

"Yeah no. Are you going to tell me why you were having a whole pool party in your bathroom?" Amity raised an eyebrow. Luz sat there and processed the situation. "Wait... you took me out of there?" she whispered. "Yes, I did," Amity responded. "Why would you do that!? What the hell Amity?" Luz growled. "Huh? Shouldn't I get a thank you? Did you want to die or something!?" Amity looked at the girl a bit annoyed. "Si, yes I did. Did you not see the note on the toilet?" Luz sighed. "Are you a fucking idiot!? No, I didn't!? Why are you even trying to... Luz you know once you die it's over right?" Amity scooted closer to the Noceda. "Of course I do! That's why I did it? But no, you just had to be the nosy little British girl you are and take me out?" the Dominican crossed her arms and sighed. "Oh! Well sorry? I didn't want to be blamed for the death of a stupid Latina who doesn't know how to cope in a way that doesn't hurt her own body!?" Amity grabbed Luz's hand and shoved it in her face. Luz just froze. "You know, if you see a person trying to kill themselves you should at least try helping them." Amity jumped off the bed and started to walk away. "I even took the time to come to your room to show you my amazing dress, and when I saw you in the tub I decided to get it drenched taking you out of your stupid bloodbath! I didn't even get a compliment on it because you're too busy caring about how I CARE enough to save you from dying. You're welcome!" Amity turned around and ranted. "Also thank you for having me skip out on half of my classes, trying to make sure you wouldn't accidentally choke on the water that is probably still inside of your lungs." the Blight complained and complained expecting some kind of snappy comeback from Luz. But she got the opposite of that.

"You're right... I'm sorry Blight. And what I did was so fucking stupid" Luz put both of her hands on her forehead and looked down.  Amity looked at Luz and sighed. "Titan Luz... pretend you're in my shoes right now. I just met you, and you've only been a flirty bastard to me. Then poof! You're literally drowning yourself in a pool of water? I was so worried... and I didn't even know who to call, so I didn't call anyone." Amity played with the hem of her skirt. Luz stood up and walked up to the other girl. "I know princesa, I'm so sorry. I didn't even think about how you would feel if you saw that stupid shit." Luz held her arms out for a hug. Amity just looked at it and sighed. "Okay, I'm only going to hug you this once because I feel super bad and I'm hella nervous," Amity said which made Luz laugh in response. Amity tightly hugged Luz and they stood like that for a bit. "I think your dress looks nice, even when it's drenched Blight" Luz smiled and rubbed Amity's back. "That sounded a bit weird, but I'll take the compliment Noceda" Amity laughed a little. "Yeah... I did sound a bit weird" Luz chuckled a bit. "I wish she could laugh like this all the time... I don't want to see something like that again" Amity thought. "You want to tell me what upsets you, Luz?" the Blight continued hugging her. "Mmm... later. Your hugs are comfy" Luz mumbled. Amity simply blushed and nodded.

"Gotcha..." she whispered.

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