And they were roommates

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When Amity opened her homeroom's door, she was greeted by a man wearing glasses at the desk. "Oh, hello! You're Amity... Blight? Am I right?" he asked. Amity assumed the man was Mr. Reed, and she simply nodded. "Great, come stand in front of the class for a introduction. Then I'll let you sit wherever" Mr. Reed smiled and Amity closed her eyes tightly in annoyance. Why would she need to introduce herself in a college? "I thought this introduction stuff was over in elementary" Amity thought to herself.

The Blight walked to the front of the classroom and smiled. It was a obvious fake one, but no one would know. "Uhm, hey. I'm Amity Blight, 18 years old, and from the UK. That's all." Amity waved awkwardly as she looked at all the people staring at her. No one said a thing, just staring and slight chatter. It was a university anyway, not like anyone would care if there's another student there.

"Great Ms. Blight! Now you can sit anywhere, I'll start discussing things in a few." Mr. Reed smiled and Amity nodded. She was about to walk to a seat in the back before she heard a loud bang. Before she knew it, the door flung open and Amity got slightly nudged, nearly falling at the person gliding from the door to Mr. Reed. "Ms. Noceda!? This is the third time this week!" the teacher yelled at the person in front of him. Amity regained balance and annoyingly raised her hand. "Que? I'm not hurting anyone riding my skateboard into here hombre." the person complained. Amity looked at the skate-board jerk for a moment. It was a girl with brunette hair, it was weird and messy hair, but she wore a red beanie that oddly matched it with her outfit. The girl was fairly tall, and had caramel skin. Amity also assumed that she probably spoke Spanish too. Though, Amity was slightly mad. Mad enough that an unnoticeable vein popped from the side of her neck.

"Actually, you kind of bumped into me. But it's whatever" Amity smiled, slightly biting her tongue in anger while putting her hand back down. The brunette girl turned around and flipped her skateboard into her hand. It was a cool trick sure, but Amity didn't care enough to notice. "Oh my bad pinkie-pie, see professor. The girl said it was fine" the girl half-heartedly apologized and turned back around to annoy her teacher. The Blight cringed at the name and sighed. "I was being sarcastic you dick-head." Amity thought to herself.

The professor sighed and pointed to the desks. "This is the last time Ms. Noceda, if you bring that damn thing in here again you're getting sent to the office." Mr. Reed scolded her and she shrugged. The tall girl walked to a desk, that was probably hers and sat down. "Now you, please just sit somewhere. I'm sorry for her" the teacher scratched his red hair in annoyance. Amity nodded and walked to a random seat in the back corner. It was a window seat, so Amity was happy to claim it. Unfortunately, it was next to beanie girl, but since she was too busy talking about whatever to her friend Amity didn't care.

"Alright, now class-"

Time flew by and it was lunch already.

Amity grabbed her things and walked out of the classroom. Then it was crowded in the hallway not even a second later. She slowly but surely made her way to the cafeteria line and inspected the menu.


Amity slightly jumped and turned around not even a second later. There she was. The same girl from earlier. Amity sighed and turned back around in line. "Yeah? You're just going to ignore me princesa?" she raised an eyebrow and tapped her shoulder. Amity turned around for a second time, more annoyed than the first. "Okay, one. Never touch me. Two, I'm not your princesa" Amity crossed her arms at the girl in front of her. "Okay, okay... Pinkie-pie" the girl smirked and leaned her arm on the glass covering the school lunch. "Not Pinkie-pie either. Do you want me to fucking sock you in the face?" Amity growled in annoyance. The brunette girl put her hands up in defense, looking slightly offended. "Woah, come on hermosa. No need to get violent. Didn't your parents ever tell you to be kind to others?" she smirked even more. It seemed like she got a kick out of bothering Amity. "Not... really?" Amity questioned herself.

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