I'm actually... terrified of rain

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Luz slowly unlocked the door to their dorm. "Where do you think you're gonna put her?" she asked as she looked at Ghost in her pet crate. "It doesn't really matter, Ghost is a free-roam cat, she does what she pleases" Amity shrugged. "Like someone I know," Luz whispered as she walked into the dorm. Amity heard the little mumble of hers and gave Luz a dirty look. "You want to say that a bit louder Luz?" The Blight grinned mischievously at her. Luz stared at the vein popping out of Amity's forehead and put her hands up in defense. "N-Nothing nothing!" she awkwardly backed away from Amity as she sat Ghost's cage down next to the couch. She opened the cage and let the furry animal roam free. "Yeah, that's what I thought" she rolled her eyes.

"Anywho, you wanna watch Azura movies with me?" Luz smiled heavily. Amity blushed and looked away with a pout. "There's no way she remembers me wearing those damn Azura pajamas..." Amity thought. "Whatever do you mean? I would never watch such childish movies" The Blight swatted her hands in disagreement. "You're lying so hard..." Luz gave her a look. Amity sighed. "Ignore the fact that I ever wore those pajamas." Amity groaned. "Yeah, easier said than done" Luz chuckled a bit. "Though, I'd have to decline your offer. I have to go to my classes" Amity looked at the time. "Huh? It's a Sunday Amity." Luz raised an eyebrow. "I have music classes" she responded, grabbing her bag off of the couch. "Wouldn't I have those classes with you...?" Luz raised an eyebrow. "Is this girl stupid?" Amity thought. "No, you wouldn't. You never signed up to take the instrument classes. You only take the educational stuff. I do both" Amity rolled her eyes. "Ohhh. Makes sense. I mean I don't really need to take that kinda stuff, I'm already rad at shredding a guitar" Luz shrugged. "But hey, sucks for you to have to take classes on a week-" Before Luz could continue, she felt a sharp pain in her shoulder. Amity was digging her nails into the girl's skin. "S-Sorry..." Luz mumbled in pain. "Good! Now if you could excuse me" Amity smiled and unlocked the dorm door to leave. "Wait, wait, what about Ghost?" Luz asked. "You said you'd watch her whenever right?" Amity smiled. "But-" before she could utter another word, Amity shut the door closed.

She looked at Ghost who was rubbing her body onto the tall girl's leg. "Looks like it's just you and me Ghost" Luz picked up her furry friend and walked to her room.

"This girl should seriously stop interrupting me..." Luz thought and sighed afterward.

Amity was about seven minutes from her classes building on campus, but before she could even get out of the car, she got a phone call. She picked up her phone and answered. "Hello? Who is this?" she asked. "Amity, it's Raine." a rather feminine voice spoke. She raised an eyebrow. "Uh... I don't know a Raine...?" Amity responded. She had heard the name before... and the voice sounded similar. "Your music teacher? Mx. Whispers?" Raine spoke. "Ohhh! Wait... your first name is Raine? Aren't you and Ms. Eda..." Amity looked shocked. "M-Married... w-well yes. Luz must've said something" Raine was obviously blushing by the way their voice went even softer when Eda was mentioned. "Uh yeah. Why'd you call?" she asked. "Well... I'd have to cancel classes today. There's an upcoming thunderstorm and I don't want anyone to be caught up in it" Raine said worryingly. "A thunderstorm...?" Amity was confused. She had no alerts on her phone about a thunderstorm. "I know it sounds crazy but all of a sudden there's one heading this way in an hour or so. It's said to clear at about midnight" They said. "Crap... Thanks, Mx. Whispers, I'll see you tomorrow at school" Amity mumbled and hung up the phone. "There goes my peaceful day of not seeing Luz for five hours" She shrugged and did a U-Turn.


"YES, YOU SAW THAT RIGHT?" Luz yelled and petted Ghost who merely meowed. She was so focused on Hecate beating up some random villain that she didn't notice her room door open. "She's so badass." she admired the well-scripted character. "Looks like you and Ghost are having fun" a voice came from the front of her door. Luz looked to her doorframe and saw Amity leaning on it. "That was a quick class." Luz paused the movie and sat up. "Are you special or something...? My classes don't last for twenty minutes Luz..." Amity sighed and walked towards her bed to sit down. "Eda says I'm special" Luz smiled. "That's not... okay never mind..." Amity gave up on trying to reason with stupid. "Why'd you come back? Did you actually want to watch the movie with me?" Luz grinned and leaned over to the purple-haired girl. Amity rolled her eyes and slightly pushed Luz away from her. "No actually, there's a thunderstorm heading this way, and Mx. Whispers canceled classes. Speaking of that, why the hell didn't you tell me your foster mom and Raine were together!?" Amity looked annoyed. "I did? You just didn't know their first name" Luz shrugged. "I- W-Well that's true," Amity responded. "So... since you're here. You wanna watch movies with me? I mean it's not like you can go anywhere" Luz spoke. "No" Amity responded and stood up. "What!? Why not!" Luz got up as well. "Just because you don't have anything to do, doesn't mean I don't" Amity looked at the girl. "Things to do, like what?" Luz questioned. "I have to study. I have a test in engineering physics in three days" Amity protested.

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