You don't know how to golf?

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Luz POV:

I decided to wear a gray Nirvana shirt and a brown varsity jacket over it to cover... my arms. I've had the jacket ever since I was fourteen when I first decided to move here at 14 with Eda she gave me this. Wills said we probably weren't going anywhere important so she told us to wear whatever.

I opened my door and walked outside to see the two already in the living room talking. Then my eyes glanced over to Amity who was wearing a black v-neck crop top and a skirt. Her skin... was somewhat revealing and the shirt fit her so perfectly. I honestly saw every curve of her body.

"Are you done staring?" Amity looked at me and smiled in a passive-aggressive way. "No, can you like turn at a ninety-degree angle? I didn't get a good look." I smirked at her which made the Blight just sigh in response. "Can we go? If I stay in the same room with this... thing I'm going to lose it" Amity bawled up her fists and headed to the door. "What!? You downgraded me to a thing now?" I pouted as Willow laughed. "I didn't downgrade you, you've always been at that level" She opened the door and slid her black shades on. "Wow, and I thought we were actually bonding" I rolled my eyes as she did the same.

When we got to the parking lot Amity decided that we were going to ride in her car. "I call shotgun" I raised my hand. "Of course you want to sit next to your girlfriend" Willow rolled their eyes and sat in the back while I sat in the passenger seat. "No no no Willow, not this one. Amity likes men, she said it earlier." I said while watching Amity turn on the car. "Right Amity?" I responded to myself. It took a while for her to respond but she did. "I never said that..." she whispered while looking out the window. "Huh? You literally said you didn't swing that way" I raised an eyebrow. "I never said I didn't like girls you idiot. I only said I didn't swing YOUR way, meaning I would kill myself the second I ever started to like you. Which will never happen" the Blight said in the most cruel way possible. "Damn" was all Willow had to comment. "What's got you so angry today." I sighed.


Amity ignored the Dominican and started to drive out of the lot. "Where are we going?" Amity asked while lowering the car mirror to look at Willow. "There's this super cool place that's like ten minutes from here" Willow scrolled through her phone before texting Amity the location. Luz saw this and got a bit upset. "Why don't I have your number Pinkie-Pie?" she frowned and leaned her head on the window. "I don't know... Maybe because you keep calling me Pinky-Pie?" Amity put the location in for a place called 'Stoned and Fun' which sounds like someplace Luz and Willow went on the daily. "How about hermosa~?" Luz turned to look at Amity and Amity looked away the second she did. "Not... t-that's worse." the Blight mumbled. Luz said this and smirked to herself. "Hermosa it is" she smiled. "Please stop flirting. I'm going to gag" Willow groaned which made the two laugh.

After a while, the group walked into the building. It looked like an arcade place with a bunch of other things. "Yo Matt" Willow looked at a guy with brown hair with a little facial hair. Amity raised an eyebrow. "Is this the guy who's dating Augustus? Or whatever his name was?" Amity bumped Luz's shoulder. "They're not dating... which is super surprising because they act like a married couple" Luz sighed and Amity nodded in response. "Hey Wills, you didn't tell me Luz would be here and... who is this?" he looked at Amity with an odd expression. "It's Amity, she's Luz's girl- I mean roommate" Willow caught themself before Amity gave Willow a death stare. "Oh, that's... interesting" Matt mumbled before whispering something into Willow's ear. "Are they... you know" he asked. "No, surprisingly Amity doesn't like her and she's gay so it doesn't make much sense" Willow whispered back. "Really? That's a first" Matt continued before Luz and Amity looked at the two a bit confused.

"Well! Let's have some fun shall we?" a person popped up out of nowhere which made Amity slap her forehead in annoyance. "Boscha... you said you weren't going to come" Amity sighed. "Of course, I came... appledrop is here" Boscha smiled. Amity cringed at the code name that Boscha gave Willow. "Who's... never mind. I don't even want to know" Luz sighed and walked away from the group to the arcade spot of the building. "Where are you guys going to go?" Amity asked. "I'm gonna get something to eat with Matt, you gonna tag along... or" Willow pointed in the direction where Luz went. "I guess I'll go with her... I don't really want Luz to be alone right now" Amity sighed and went on her way. "Huh? I thought Amititty hated Luz?" Boscha raised an eyebrow. "Pfft!? Amititty! I like this girl Willow" Matt chuckled "Shut up Matt, we don't care what you like. But, Luz kind of is in a weird phase right now and Amity doesn't want to be blamed if she does anything stupid" Willow sighed. "Oh... sounds interesting" Boscha whispered. "You wanna chill with us? Maybe get to know each other? I'm always down to meet new people." Willow winked at Boscha which made her face turn red. "O-Oh uhm. Hell yeah! Let's talk... and stuff..." she awkwardly followed the two.

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