1.1.3. The Auditions

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"People," Carlos passed everyone in the dressing room, looking very panicked

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"People," Carlos passed everyone in the dressing room, looking very panicked. "Make sure your audition number is clearly visible on your clothes. This isn't a game."

"You know, I'm actually kinda bummed that we don't have any competition here," EJ told Nini as she put the finishing touches on her makeup. "It would make getting the leads all the sweeter."

"Asshole," Gracie coughed as she passed the couple to get to the next open mirror that happened to be right beside them.

"Would you stop temping fate," Nini hit him lightly before turning to Gracie who was fixing her number. "Sorry about him."

"Oh, don't worry about it," Gracie laughed. "I'm just looking forward to the day karma hits him where it really hurts."

Nini laughed awkwardly in response, turning to see EJ roll his eyes. "So, who are you auditioning for?"

"Same as you: Gabriella," Gracie smiled, fixing her hair.

Nini's face dropped, suddenly becoming very nervous, "Oh."

Before either girls could say anything more, there was a knock on the door as Miss Jenn stepped in. "Okay, theater people. Let's do this."


"Yes, One and Twenty-Five!" Carlos cheered on Gracie and the new girl, Gina, as they danced the warm-up choreography.

Gracie had been in dance since she was two and she could not be happier for those years in dance than she was in that moment. Considering it was a warm-up, it was a pretty difficult routine to do. One where the less prepared would struggle on.

"Great!" Carlos clapped as the music came to an end. "That's it for the warm-up."

"Everyone pair up," Miss Jenn instructed as Gracie grabbed her water bottle. "Not with a friend. Theater is a community."

"Hi," a voice popped up from behind her, making her spin on her heel to see EJ standing before her with a smile on his face.

"Hi?" she gave a questioning look to the boy, not trusting the smile he had.

"Wanna be partners?"

"Why would I want that?" Gracie asked keeping her face blank.

"Well, we're not exactly friends," EJ shrugged with the same smile not budging.

"Yeah, and there's a reason," Gracie laughed humorlessly. "I don't like the bully persona you have."

"Please," EJ scoffed with his smile faltering, "You don't even know me."

"And I would like to keep it that way," Gracie walked off pairing up with a random girl.


Gracie looked at her watch as Miss Jenn walked down the line of students, assigning them a part to try for.

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