1.2.3. Wondering

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Gracie had only just started to knock on the door to Ricky's house when the boy opened it, tugging her inside

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Gracie had only just started to knock on the door to Ricky's house when the boy opened it, tugging her inside.

"I thought about what you said," Ricky closed the door and turned to Gracie. "I wanna prove Nini wrong. I wanna show her that I am serious about this and that I'm not going to give up now."

Gracie smiled, feeling proud of Ricky. "Good. Where should we start?"

"I was actually about to ask you the same question," Ricky chuckled. "You are the theatre geek after all."

Gracie sat on the couch and grabbed the remote to the television. "Well, hopefully you'll be one after all this too. Now, how about we start with 'We're All in This Together', then we'll figure out the curtain call."

Ricky watched as Gracie pulled up High School Musical. "Why are you putting on the movie?"

"Because, sometimes it's easier to learn the dance when you're doing it with them," she skipped to the last song and pushed the coffee table out of their way.

Gracie pressed play as she and Ricky began to go through the choreography. It didn't take Ricky too long before he started to get it and Gracie could sit on the couch to give him notes.


Gracie is always someone I can rely on. If anyone is going to help me pull this off, it's her.


"Ricky," Mike Bowen, Ricky's dad called from the top of the stairs, "it's midnight. Thought you had a test tomorrow."

"I do," Ricky nodded, not even bothering to pause the movie as he continued the dance.

"Hi, Mr. Bowen," Gracie peaked around Ricky and gave a wave.

"Hi, Gracie," Mike waved back before turning to his son again. "This is for a test?"

"Most important one of my life," Ricky answered, before returning his attention back to the movie, softly singing under his breath as he did the choreography. "Hey, Dad, if you can't sleep, you can hang here with us."

"Yeah, you can help me make fun of your son," Gracie giggled as Mike took a seat next to the girl on the couch.

"Well, that sounds like fun," Mike laughed as they watched Ricky. "This is definitely a new one for you. I thought this was something Gracie would do."

Gracie thought about it for a second. "It's weird, isn't it?"

"Yup," Mike nodded.

"100%," Ricky answered at the same time.


"Just go up and talk to him," Gracie whispered as Ricky crumpled up a sticky note to throw at Carlos. The two kids were in the school's library because Ricky wanted to show Carlos that he had most of the curtain call choreography down. All they needed to do was get Carlos's attention.

The One I've Fallen For - Ricky BowenWhere stories live. Discover now