Chapter 1: The End

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I'd dreamed of living near the ocean for as long as I could remember. There was something about the deep waves that had always called to me, or perhaps it was the fact that so much of it lay unexplored. Not that I wished to explore it. Not at all. In fact, I admired that it carried so much darkness and depth that very few were allowed to touch. It mirrored me. 

Unfortunately, neither of my parents shared the burning desire to live near water so I remained landlocked for most of my youth. By the time I could have made the move myself I was an adult in the workforce. Between the long hours and awful pay, I quickly relinquished that dream to the box of childhood delusions. Survival came first back then.

But now here I was, watching the sun set over the very waves I thought I'd never see. Sitting on the bank, with my jeans rolled up and toes digging in the sand, I was innocence personified. The wind coaxed my curls to escape their bun and I smiled wide. There was no reason for me to be angry anymore. The world was far from perfect but with the sun glistening off of the water just so, all I could feel was deep gratitude. It blossomed from my chest, mingled with the sunrays, and danced toward the heavens. Thank Spirit. I was finally here.

These days I spent much of my time gazing at the water. Just a few blocks away my RV sat majestically on the land I had purchased a few months prior. I'd been manifesting a home of my own since the day I left my toxic mother's house at sixteen. A decade later I had acquired it. It was a small piece of land surrounded by dense trees that blocked out most sunlight, but that was typical for this part of the Oregon Coast. I loved it all the same.

But because of the visions, I knew it would be short-lived. Brief images had been projecting into my mind's eye with increased urgency. At times I would see blood flowing down empty roads which would then morph into barren lands. In the physical realm, more and more tragedies seemed to be happening worldwide and it had those within the system on edge.

NASA had begun to report major blackouts in regard to their instruments. Our sun was releasing massive CME’s and each time they would be Earth facing. It was taking out electrical grids and grounding planes, but most significantly it was affecting awakening people, including me. Though I was not new to the symptoms that came with the geomagnetic storms, I found myself growing more disrupted by the day. Peaceful nights of sleep had ceased. Vibrations throughout my body and constant energy flashes kept me up until the early hours of the morning. Those within the spiritual community referred to these as ascension symptoms. There were many more to be experienced but thankfully, I had weathered the harder ones earlier in my journey.

Still, these were like nothing I had ever felt before. There was no reprieve, instead they consistently ransacked my already exhausted vessel. My head felt as if it was underwater constantly. The ringing and static in my ears was intense. Spiritual and physical landscapes were being shaken up at an alarming rate.

Spirit was sending a mass warning that something big was coming and I knew I would need to be ready when it happened. I didn't know what 'it' was, but I trusted that I would be protected as I experienced it. For now, I was simply enjoying the peace to be had in my own little corner of the world at the place I loved most; the ocean. 

The dark blue waves whipped harder against the rocks as if in agreement. My eyes slowly scanned the orange horizon; taking in the artwork that the disappearing orb made. There would never be another sunset like it. I sighed deeply and gently moved the setting sun's energy down through my chakras and into the Earth beneath my feet. A giggle escaped past my lips at the feel of the sand sifting through my toes. 

Almost time to go home. 

I sighed. I had spent most of my day talking with the waves and napping under the tree nearby, so I knew I would have sand in unforgiving places, but it was worth it. The amount of course granules coming off in my RV shower would probably be a problem. Again, completely worth it. I rose to my feet and stretched the soreness from my previously immobile limbs and headed to the main road.

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