Chapter 17: Our Truth

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Before I splayed on the soft rug to meditate, I changed into a loose black crop top and form-fitting black shorts. The outfit left almost nothing to the imagination, but being in too many clothes while I meditated was uncomfortable. Once dressed, I sunk down onto the rug and relaxed my mind as my back met the floor. I closed my eyes and let the blissful silence envelope me. It had become first nature to quiet my mind after so many years of practice. 

When the chatter settled, my third eye opened easily. I stayed in the darkness for a while, allowing my body to fluctuate with the feeling of energy. My consciousness floated quietly in the blank space. I breathed deeply and consistently, past my lungs, and into my sacral chakra. The energy immediately flowed down the pathway of breath I had created. Muted colors came to life within my mind's eye. They softly flashed and then disappeared. After some time I felt the sensation of my light body lifting from the physical one, prepared for travel. I relaxed even further, releasing my connection to the physical dimension, like untying the rope from a dock so the boat could be carried by the flow of water.

A silver portal opened and my light body fluidly moved into it. I smiled as sparkling silver flecks danced around the large gateway. The portals were always just as beautiful as the destination. As the energy moved me further through the portal I realized that I was moving slower than the last time I had accessed it. This time it seemed like a much longer distance traveled than the last. 

The blinding light at the end of the tunnel greeted me and I flowed through it, but when I did, I found that I was most definitely not in Arcania’s golden field. A material akin to metal formed around me. It threw off colors all its own and was warm against my feet.

Feet? Why do I have feet?

I wiggled my toes against the warm strip of metal, and sure enough, I felt sensation in them. Though they did have a slightly transparent quality about them.

Where was I?

A slow turn revealed that I was in a room of some sort. A room that I quickly realized I had been in before, but only in nearly forgotten dreams. I usually couldn't access it through third-eye state, so I had assumed that it was just a room invented by my subconscious. But as my eyes roamed the large space, and found every detail accounted for, I quickly threw out the idea.

Directly in front of me was an arched door made of the same opalescent metal as the walls. I could nearly see my reflection in it. Luminescent, white light clung to my curvy form as my natural hair hung loosely around my shoulders. My translucent vessel still wore the small black shorts and crop top. I rubbed my eyes and found that I was still in fact there. Seeing my physical form while astral projecting was unnerving to say the least. 

I turned to my right to see a massive, silver virtual screen and various virtual maps floating in mid air. A chrome chair sat uninhabited in front of the screens. I took a step forward in an attempt to read them but was met with a language that was most definitely not english. 

So I whirled around and walked even further into the large, sparse space. The floor grew deliciously warmer with each step, and when I finally chanced a look down to see what was causing such warmth, I caught my breath. What I thought was a simple black floor turned out to be so much more. The entire thing looked as if it was made of some sort of reflective resin, so smooth was the surface. Upon closer inspection I found that there were beautiful galaxies glittering underneath it. Someone had painted them there before laying the protective layer that I now walked on. I kneeled down to take a closer look at the constellations and discovered small lights under the surface of the sparkling galaxies. I found myself wishing I could turn off the room's lights so I could fully appreciate the work of art in the way the artist had intended. But looking around the scant room, I found not a single lightswitch. The room probably had some ancient password to shut off the lights. 

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