Chapter 18: To Family

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I shook with unbridled laughter as I laid on my cave room floor. I wish I could have gotten a glimpse of his reaction, but it would be worth doing it this way. Seeing him in this dimension would be nothing short of enlightening. My womb pulsed at the thought. I promised myself that I wouldn't search for him through third eye again, as I wanted the next time we saw each other to be in our physical forms. There would no longer be any barriers left between us. I laughed into the silence of my room as I thought of what I had just done.

"Hey Sienna, are you free right now?" Tallulah's voice came from the other side of my curtain.

Without moving from my spot on the floor I called out to her, "Yes! Come in!" 

She released the velcro and stepped in. It looked like she had already been introduced to the shower, by the look of her wet hair and fresh clothes.

"I heard you in here giggling and thought it would be okay to interrupt your meditative state," Tallulah smiled as she sat next to me on the floor.

"Shit, I'm sorry, your room!" I sat up quickly, remembering that I had promised to show it to her, but I had clearly gotten tied up in making amends with Arcania.

"Woah, you're good. Rachel saw that you were putting me in the room across from hers, and she helped me get the stuff moved in."

I flopped back down on the rug at the news. A relief-filled sigh escaped me.

"Oh good. Sometimes I don't realize how long I'm gone until I open my eyes and the cave has gone silent," I admitted.

Tallulah laughed, "I get it. Happens to me all the time. Can I ask where you went?" 

I hesitated, cause goodness that was a long story.

"You don't have to. You seem like a very private person and I don't mean to intrude on that. Especially after you've been so kind. And speaking of kind, my room is absolutely insane! Rachel says you did it." 

Tallulah read my hesitation at her first question, and in her beautiful way, she redirected the conversation to a topic that didn’t involve delving so deeply. She was an absolute gift. 

I smiled, "I supplied the stuff, and I’m assuming Rachel put it together."

I wasn't going to take all the credit.

"I hadn't realized earlier when you said that you had gathered supplies, that you meant you raided every supermarket and furniture store this side of the west coast!" she joked.

I belly laughed at that.

"I was not moving into a cave without some creature comforts dammit!" 

She slapped my leg in a fit of laughter, which only served to set me off again.

The moment was so normal and natural. Just sitting on a rug in my room, laughing til our eyes teared up, in the midst of a constantly changing world. I grinned at Tallulah and she grinned back, as if she had read my thoughts and agreed with the sentiment. 

Spirit once told me that there were people in this dimension that would cross paths, and instantly feel as if they had known each other forever. It was a meeting orchestrated by God themselves. Tallulah was the first person I had ever felt such a connection with. From the moment I found her patiently waiting for me to rise from my meditation out under the turquoise sky, I could feel it. We understood each other well already after less than a day together. Our souls seemed so similar and she was already walking a path that greatly mirrored my own. I could tell her the truth of me and not feel as if I was misunderstood.

"Earlier you asked where I went when I was meditating. I'd like to tell you."

Tallulah grinned and splayed out on the rug beside me, our shoulders just barely touching. I laughed and made room for her. When she was settled, I launched into the story of my soulmate, Arcania. I kept my eyes mostly trained to the ceiling so I could remember in greater detail. But every now and then her gasp and subsequent giggle would have me looking over at her, then I would end up giggling too. 

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