Chapter 20: Tomorrow

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I didn't want to disturb the sleeping man beside me, but my very full bladder became annoyingly insistent that I find a bathroom. So I did my best to maneuver out of his intricate hold without waking him. Arcania murmured incoherently as I gently removed his muscled forearm, that at the moment was draped across my chest. With that accomplished, I turned my attention to the tree trunk thigh pressed in between my own. My left leg was pinned under the weight of his with very little effort. But with a bit of careful wiggling and a silent curse word or two, I was able to free myself from Arcania’s web. Though the beauty of being held in such a loving way made the idea of freedom bittersweet. I gazed down at Arcania’s sleeping face and smiled.

Of course he has incredible eyelashes.

Spirit always gave the best lashes and brows to men that didn’t even need them. I shook my head in exasperation as I searched the futuristic room for a bathroom. I felt along the walls since this part of the ship seemed to have no actual doors. It wasn’t as easy to find as I thought it would be. I discovered another door to the right of the bed’s large headboard, and quickly figured out that it had a digital opening that required the user to simply wave a hand over it. The metal wall dematerialized in front of my eyes leaving an arched entrance into a bathroom similar to the rest of the ship. 

Again the intergalactic black floor carried all the way through, and a massive fully glass shower took up a large portion of space in the middle of the large room. The floor of the shower was covered in what appeared to be a sparkling crystalline material, and on top of the floor sat a matte black clawfoot tub that could easily fit three people. But with Arcania’s size it was obvious there would only be enough room from one other person. I found myself grinning as I imagined the kind of ‘relaxing’ we could do in that tub together. But my reverie was cut short as I looked around the opulent yet simple bathroom, and noticed that at least half of it was missing. 

Where the heck is the toilet?

It wasn’t until I waved my hand in front of the wall to the right of me, that I was able to find the commode. But not before I made the journey through Arcania’s massive walk-in closet. 

This is obviously where he spent a great deal of his space bucks.

As I stepped onto the soft silver carpeted floor and around the large, black velour ottoman, I realized that Arcania was the goth version of Barbie. His closet certainly rivaled hers. The stunning circular room had rows and rows of neatly hung clothing for every occasion. Custom shelves held what I would guess to be his more ‘casual’ clothes, and they were anything but.

 I gasped as I accidentally triggered a section of the right wall to open. Light after light clicked on at the entrance, illuminating a rectangular room full of carefully placed shoes. They ranged from killer combat boots to stunning dress shoes. I’d never seen anything like it. As I turned to survey the amount of shoes in the room, another arched opening formed on the left wall.

This place is neverending.

As I stepped through the newly formed arch, my full bladder was entirely forgotten. Because it was in this circular room that Arcania kept his most prized possessions. The large glassbox in the middle of the room sent my heart racing, as it encased the see-through, midnight blue dress I’d worn the first night I’d spent with Arcania. My form moved slowly toward the box of its own accord and I smiled softly as the beaded stars shimmered on the daring dress. Even now I could remember how the soft chiffon had felt against my skin as we danced on the balcony of his palace. 

After my first mission to Earth, we decided we would always meet back in the Arcturian galaxy, as Arcania had been crowned Keeper of Arcturia, a stunning crystal kingdom that floated in the middle of Gaia. Back then, I traveled by starlight, as I always did like to make an entrance. On that night, Arcania and I were to reconnect. I wore this very dress and appeared in a flash of dazzling star dust right in his courtyard. Arcania had watched me from the very balcony we would dance on that evening. And I’d worn this specific dress just for his gaze.

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