Chapter 3: Wave to Wave

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Over the next week, chaos reigned. Powerful weather-based storms began to occur on the coast, taking down power grids and toppling homes. The few remaining government officials were being held as prisoners by the very people once sworn to protect them. Many were still dropping dead in the streets due to the virus and the vaccine while millions of others were in critical condition. Solar flares and CMEs were causing days-long blackouts on the Schumann resonance graphs and internet connection had become spotty. Everything about this moment in time felt angry and unstable. 

The incoming energies were at a power level I couldn't even fathom. My body and soul felt as if they were being torn in two. My soul was flying, while my vessel was left to handle the physical effects of the vibrations. The most activity I was capable of were small walks, but even those had lost their luster due to the torrential downpours. I spent almost no time at the ocean, not just because of the massive tides, but also because of the feeling that something incredible was about to happen. I wanted to be close to my truck, just in case. 

Knowing that I could be gone at a moment's notice put me at ease but it was difficult to find things to keep me occupied. The ocean had become the place I went to when I needed to breathe and gain clarity, but since that was no longer an option I would have to make do with the living room floor. Today I decided to utilize the incoming energy to fuel a vivid meditation. Visions were bombarding me night and day; throwing me into a state of confusion. I was having trouble making sense of them and it was causing me undue frustration.

Caves, I keep seeing caves. 

Not just any caves. These were deep and winding. They were pitch black in my vision so I would have to use my hands to feel along the rough walls. At times I would stumble on smaller rock debris but other than that the caves appeared empty. As soon as I got to the last cavern the vision would start to fade, but the feeling of home stayed with me long after I’d opened my eyes. 

As for the other visions, they only came when I slept. Flashes of metal-filled wreckage tossed against leaning trees, a strange turquoise sky, and falling golden energy against a black background were the ones I could recall the best. They felt like another dimension entirely and so they brought me no solid answers. This is why today was dedicated to going deeper within to hopefully find answers.  

With the coffee table shoved into the corner, I began the process of relaxing my being. Bright colors softly flashed in my mind's eye as soon as I shut my physical eyes. I could feel the flux energy coursing along the right side of my body, causing goosebumps to rise along my arm. It was my favorite energy to experience because it wasn't dense like the others, and it was the only energy that didn’t uncomfortably force its way through my body. Instead, it remained more to the surface of my physical vessel, making it much easier to navigate.

As my breathing grew even, I could feel the denser energy waves at work. They removed blockages in my chakras and dredged up negative experiences from my past and past lives for transmutation. They were taking what once brought me pain and turning it into a stepping stone for my future greatness. Though I did not enjoy the feelings they could release in me, I understood the sanctity of their work. Once they were finished with this cycle of healing I would be even closer to fully embodying my own truth. It was this knowing that kept me from being too annoyed with their presence.

Thoughts ceased forming in my mind as my soul began to take form in third eye. I moved my consciousness to the light body and slowly released my connection to the physical world. It was a process I had gotten quicker at with time and understanding, but it still required a great deal of focus. So patience was key. Once I felt the connection to my light body was stable, I floated out into the dense vibrations. 

No visions or portals appeared, just colorful flashes of moving energy. I referred to this dimension as the waiting room because it seemed to be the in-between place. While I was no longer in the physical dimension, the portal that I needed still had not formed yet. So I stayed here for a while. I couldn't say for how long because time seemed to no longer exist, but that was fine with me. The waiting room felt like a break from being human. I was no longer Sienna here and the Earth dimension didn’t exist. In this place, I was just light; a breath of source energy. 

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