Chapter 19: Divine Union

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The next morning, after finishing my breakfast, I asked Tallulah if she wanted to catch the sunrise with me. As she took a bite of mixed fruit a shy grin stole across her features.

"Actually, Rachel and I have our first class this morning," she murmured as her eyes whipped to the kitchen entrance, light footsteps headed towards us.

Jessie walked in to grab a bowl of cereal and I laughed as Tallulah visibly relaxed.

“Morning ladies! So excited for class this morning Lula! You and Rach are gonna crush it,” Jessie smiled encouragingly.

Rachel had since started calling Tallullah ‘Lula’ and now everyone was saying it, including me. 

I bid Jessie a good morning as I leaned against the kitchen island, and she did the same back.

“Awesome. I’m so excited. I’ve never taught before so I am a little nervous,” Lula admitted.

“Rachel will be there to support you, Lula. I’ve seen how well you two work together when you’ve done your practice runs, so I know you are going to do amazing,” Jessie assured with a comforting pat on her shoulder.

Tallulah blushed at the compliment and murmured a thank you to a grinning Jessie.

“Top right drawer on the island,” I laughed as Jessie searched for a spoon to eat her cereal.

“That woman moves this kitchen around so consistently I wonder if she’ll ever be satisfied,” Jessie shook her head with laughter.

Lula and I chuckled because Taylor really did seem to have a serious habit of moving things around in the kitchen. She said that she wanted to see if things were more efficient in different places and the only way to do that was to switch it up a little. I laughed at her explanation, because I secretly thought that she just loved when each of us had to come to her to find out where something was. Her girls were getting older and were more capable of doing things on their own, and Taylor being the amazing mom that she is, I was sure that she liked feeling needed. I wouldn’t begrudge her that, as she really was the mother of our cave home, always making sure that the rest of us were okay.

When Jessie was able to find a suitable spoon for her cereal, she gave Lula one last pat and headed out of the cave, humming as she went. I simply grinned over my now empty cup of tea at Lula’s nervous expression.

"What?" she demanded.

I shook my head in feigned innocence, "Nothing at all, Lula. Enjoy your class!" 

I wiggled my eyebrows and ran before she had a chance to throw a kitchen towel at me. My laughter and shrieks rang down the main tunnel as she chased me. I found myself hiding behind one of DeAndre’s large paintings in the art room, until I heard Tallulah asking Jace if he’d seen where I went. I couldn’t hear his response from where I was, but Lula’s answering groan told me all I needed to know.

“I will get you Sienna! I have a twisted, wet towel with your name on it!” Tallulah laughingly called out.

I giggled from my hiding place and decided it was probably safer to continue hiding until it seemed the coast was clear. I wasn’t sure how long I crouched behind the painting, but when I heard Evelyn and Andrea enter the room I raised my head above the artwork, immediately shushing them with a finger over my own mouth. They both walked over and kneeled in front of the art and whispered.

“Why are you hiding behind uncle DeAndre’s painting?” Evelyn frowned.

I whispered back, “I’m hiding from Lula. She’s trying to hit me with a towel. Can you lovely young women do me a favor?”

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