Chapter 2: Raid

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The night was spent in and out of old dreams and new visions. Guidance was provided by my intergalactic family and higher self as I tossed and turned. My consciousness received upgrades and downloads through my nervous system that would at some point activate untapped innate gifts and neural pathways further. It seemed the night would be a repeat of the same ones I’d had for the past few months. That is until my last vision went blank, and a golden field with endless blue sky took its place.

I had been here before but the visits seemed to be growing more frequent. Numerous times over the past three years I would find myself unmoving in this field while a figure materialized in the distance. The figure would only come so close and I could move no further. It was a man, tall, and wearing all black. The first few times we met he would speak into my head but the speech would be garbled. As I grew within my own spiritual journey the more I could understand him, the more I could see of him. It seemed the more clear I grew with myself, the more clear he grew. 

It took me little time to establish how to telepathically speak back. The first question I asked of him was his name. He was caught off guard by my newfound ability and was reluctant to answer at first, but eventually, he told me that he had gone by many names. In this life, I could refer to him as Arcania. It was after this question that his answers became increasingly vague.

We talked mostly about me and how my journey was going. He would give me insight on how to maximize the energy for my own deep healing, and small bits of wisdom that seemed to directly correlate with a situation that was happening in my life. Any attempt I made to discover more about him, led to him all of a sudden having something important to do elsewhere. It was an indirect warning. He would stay but only if I played by his rules. This would have pissed me off had I not been so damn fascinated with the gentle-speaking man. And on this night he was more fascinating than ever. 

Arcania stood under the same willow tree I always found him at. My eyes knew just where to go by now. I had been able to move a few steps since the last time we met, and from this new vantage point, I could clearly see his dark upswept hair. It had a silver cuff holding the thick bun in place. A long black coat with reflective buttons covered his frame and was giving major matrix vibes. Only once had he worn a black shirt that allowed me to see his lean muscular frame. My eyes practically fell out of their sockets when he crossed his arms and revealed the musculature of his vessel. He definitely noticed my reaction and subsequently only wore coats with coverage after that. Killjoy.  

I couldn't see the color of his eyes from this far away but I was sure that they were an unnatural color. Light reflected off of them in the most magical way. The only other identifier was his cream-colored skin. That, and the strong velvety voice speaking into my mind.

“It’s a pleasure shooting star. I hope you are well.”

I took my time answering back, relishing the nickname he had given me a few months after our first visit. I still had no idea why he called me it, but it felt incredibly familiar.

“I’m doing okay. Things are kind of chaotic in my dimension right now. I feel as if I’m waiting for something.”

I answered back with the truth. The man seemed to have a knack for knowing when I wasn't being fully honest. Besides, there was no reason to withhold anything seeing as how he was probably a guardian sent by Spirit. That was the best explanation I could come up with for these visits.

He nodded slowly at my answer and seemed to mull it over. 

“There will only be more chaos. Keep your soul focused on Spirit’s call. You will need to have a clear connection for what’s coming,” he answered back in his deep voice.

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