No Big Deal

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     Once the music turns off, Felix goes quiet. Hyunjin takes his hands away from Felix's ears, the boy's blood that had pooled in his hands ran down his arms. "Hospital?" Hyunjin asks quietly, but there's no answer. "Felix?"

     Felix shakes his head, "No hospitals, the phone..."

     Seungmin comes running toward the two sitting on the ground and mouths "What happened."

     However, Hyunjin just turns back around and grabs Felix by the shoulders, "Alright, let's head for the bus." Hyunjin nods at Seungmin, and Minho comes from around the corner as well.

     He doesn't say a word before he walks over to Chris and Jisung, "Let's go, it's more important than your game."

     The 6 boys hurry to the bus and sit Felix down, Felix tells Hyunjin his doctor's number. "Hello? Felix?"  His doctor says through the phone.

     "Actually, it's Felix's friend. Hyunjin."

     "Well, Hyunjin, what happened?"

     "It was way too loud in the building we were in, and Felix's ears bled under pressure."

     The others look at Felix and then back at Hyunjin, they didn't know exactly what happened so hearing the situation made them worry. Chris walks over and pats Felix on the shoulder, a smile spreading on the younger boy's face.

                                                      3 years ago

     Felix sits with his head on his desk, tapping his right foot to a beat he was humming. And scratching the back of his hand to the beat. 1, 2, 3, 4. He thinks, ignoring the stinging sensation.

     "Hey, Felix. Stop doing that you're gonna make your hand bleed."

     Felix lifts up his head. "Nah, I'm good hyung." The boy sighs and grabs Felix's hand. "Come on Chan, seriously? I'm bored."

     "Well then scribble on some paper or something. Alright, mate?"

     The teacher begins to talk, and Chan goes back to his seat across the room. After class ends Chan and Felix walk over to the cafeteria and grab lunch. "Do you ever wonder why you call me Chan instead of Chris?" Felix shrugs, but he doesn't say anything.

     The two boys sit down at a table and Felix starts to eat. "You know, I'm thinking of becoming a college professor." All of the chicken that Felix had stuffed in his mouth falls out as the boy's jaw had dropped.

     "You're leaving me here?!" The boy yells, filling his mouth once again.

     "Maybe I'll be your college professor one day!" Chris laughs.


     "Well... Hyunjin I'm glad Felix has some friends that really care about him. His ears should clear up by themselves, thank you for worrying." Jisung practically tackles Felix and hugs him to death as Hyunjin thanks the doctor and hangs up.

     "Your doctor said your ears should be good, so we don't have to worry anymore." Hyunjin gives a tight-lipped smile. "We could... go back in and eat if you guys feel up for it." Everyone nods, and Chris helps Felix out of the bus. The 6 boys quickly walk over to the food section to order something and Jisung tells Felix what's on the menu. Once they get their food, Jisung carries his and Felix's plate over to their table.

     Everyone wanted to sit with Seungmin but 4 particular college students and their teacher/ surprisingly Seungmin's husband sat with him. They all take their masks off and begin to eat when Felix whispers, "Jisung?" The boy sitting beside him turns around.

     "What's up?" He responds.

     "Can you get Hyunjin's attention? Please?" He mumbles, although Jisung could hear him perfectly fine.

     "Ohhh, yeah no problem, Felix!" Jisung smirks, reaching over and tapping the back of Hyunjin's hand. "Felix wants you." He whispers. Hyunjin just blinks a few times and then furrows his eyebrows in confusion. The boy flips Felix's hand over and taps it twice, gathering the younger's attention.

     "Can I talk to you?" Felix asks.

     "Mhm." Hyunjin and Felix both scoot out of their seats in the booth and walk over near the arcade games. "What's up? Are you okay?" The elder questions, but Felix quickly shakes his head.

     "No, I'm fine, don't worry! I just wanted to say thank you, for you know... helping me." Felix shows that smile that Hyunjin can't help but be in awe at.

     "Anytime Felix. If you ever need help you can just come to me." Hyunjin laughs at the sudden pout on the younger's lips.

     "I'm not a baby you know..." He mutters, and Hyunjin just stares at the boy with a smile. Then Hyunjin grabs Felix's hand.

     "But you're cute like one." Hyunjin swings their hands back and forth and watches Felix's eyebrows slightly raise. He drags the boy back to their booth and they both sit down and start to eat their food.

     Felix had already stuffed half of his chicken in his mouth when Jisung nudges him in the shoulder. "What did you guys talk about?" He asks, but Felix just spoons some rice into his mouth and then answers.

     "Nothing." Jisung sighs, knowing he wasn't going to get anything out of the boy. For the rest of the time the 6 boys were eating, Minho looked... tired. Jisung noticed but tried not to bother him about it. After they finished eating to their hearts content and passing Felix napkins to wipe the sauce from the chicken off of his face, all of the students ran to the bus and got ready to leave. Jisung immediately took the seat next to Minho and Hyunjin looked at him weirdly, but the squirrel boy waved him off.

     "Hey... Minho." Jisung looks as the boy beside him slowly turns to face him. "You okay?" He asks, and Minho nods with a drowsy smile.

     "Tired..." He mumbles. Jisung turns back around and rests his head against his seat, and not long after, he feels a weight drop on him. He slowly turns around and sees Minho sleeping soundly on his shoulder, and Hyunjin staring right at them. The long-haired boy turns towards Felix and taps his palm, making the boy's head turn.

     "Minho fell asleep on Jisung's shoulder." Hyunjin smiles, and Felix giggles at the two. Hyunjin pulls out his phone and snaps pictures, Jisung desperately wanted to move but he didn't want to wake Minho from how deep he's sleeping. Hyunjin turns back around towards Felix and speaks, "Can I blackmail them with this?" Felix's eyes widen but his laugh comes through also.


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