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     "We'll be late for first period if you don't wake up, Jisung." Jeongin shakes the boy awake, making Jisung throw a pillow at him.

     "I don't care..." Jisung mumbles. The younger sighs, even with Jisung being one of the smallest 17-year-olds of all time Jeongin still couldn't drag the boy out of bed. Then, the younger comes up with an idea.

     "If you don't get up, I'm gonna tell Minho about how we've only known each other for one day but you've already rambled on about how cute you think he is." Jeongin pokes Jisung and then walks towards the door when the boy springs up. He continuously screams wait and then goes in the bathroom, getting dressed in like two seconds and then running out into the hallway, grabbing Jeongin by the shoulders.

     "I'm up!" The boy yells in the youngers' ear, making Jeongin give him the biggest side eye to ever exist. Jisung spots a boy in all white across the hall and his eyes widen, "FELIX!" He yells walking over to the boy that had clasped his hands over his ears.

     "Why are you yelling?" Felix asks calmy, hearing a second pair of footsteps come over to them. "Is there someone else here?" Jisung introduces Felix to Jeongin, and informs Jeongin that Felix is blind. "Nice to meet you Jeongin!" Felix holds out his fist, and Jeongin bumps his fist against Felix's.

     "You too Felix!" The boy shares Felix's excitement. The three walks inside of first period together, and Felix introduces Jeongin to Hyunjin. Hyunjin and Changbin met on Minho's behalf earlier, making their friend group grow from 6 to 8. Class went smoothly, and soon enough, it was time for lunch. The 6 boys stay in class while everyone else goes to the cafeteria.

     "What are you guys doing?" Chris asks, taking out a sandwich and biting off a bit.

     "We're gonna eat in here with you." Jeongin explains, and Chris walks over to them, sitting down and ruffling Felix's hair. Making the boy smile. All of a sudden Hyunjin roughly gets out of his seat.

     "I'll be back." Hyunjin walks out of the room with everyone staring at him. Hyunjin walks through the hallways, brushing his fingers through his hair out of frustration. Chris was married so why does every small interaction between him and Felix make Hyunjin feel so weird inside? The boy walks over to his locker and opens it, just stalling for time, when a small red piece of paper slips out and falls on the floor. Hyunjin picks it up and opens it, guessing he could just read it and then throw it out like he does with all the confessions he gets. The letter was just what Hyunjin expected, but who it was from was what shocked the boy.

     Minji. Cha Minji was a girl who was obsessed with Hyunjin since high school. She even got into a fist fight with a girl that got Hyunjin as a partner for a project, and since then Hyunjin always tried his best to distance himself from her. And now she's in his college. Hyunjin turns around to see a girl standing in the middle of the hallway, staring at him with a smile. And it definitely made the boy feel uncomfortable. "...Minji?" Hyunjin hesitantly walks closer to the figure standing before him, and then they walk quickly towards him making the boy jump.

     "Hey Hyunjinnie~" The girl says in a sing song voice when she stops right in front of the boy.

     "Hey... Minji..." Hyunjin mumbles, trying not to look her in the eye. 

     "How have you been?" The girl slides her hand down Hyunjin's arm, and the boy slightly pulls away hoping she'd get the hint, but she doesn't.

     "Good." He says uncomfortably.


     "REALLY, I'm good!" Hyunjin finally pulls away from her and her face looks confused. 

     "What's wrong?" She asks, pouting, making Hyunjin cringe. The boy imagined Felix's pout when Hyunjin called him a baby and a small smile shows on his face. 

     "Hyunjin? Where are you?" A familiar voice comes from the hallway, and then Felix walks around the corner. "Hyunjin?"

     "Felix!" the boy quickly walks away from Minji, happy someone came to save him. Minji watches Felix with a sour look on her face. Hyunjin and Felix start to walk back to the classroom when Felix stops in the middle of the hallway.

     "I heard you from inside the class and you sounded uncomfortable, are you okay?" Felix asks, and Hyunjin was surprised that the boy could hear him from that far away.

     "Yeah, I'm good. Come on baby." Felix stands still for a moment; a light rose color coating his cheeks. The boy hears Hyunjin's footsteps and begins walking again, soon turning into the classroom.

     "Good job Felix, you found Rapunzel!" Minho smiles, and Hyunjin walks around the table and smacks the apple out of his hand. "...You haven't eaten tissues in a while, right?" Minho says with a sarcastic smile.

     "I don't plan to anytime soon." Hyunjin takes a bite out of his pizza. Minho gets up and walks over to the teacher's desk and grabs six tissues, then he walks back over to Hyunjin and stuffs the tissues in the boy's mouth while he's swatting his hands in the air. The 5 other boys just sit there laughing until they can't breathe anymore before Hyunjin grabs the tissues out of his mouth and throws them on the ground.

     "Did they taste good Hyunjin?" Minho asks, sitting back down in his seat while Chris is coughing from how hard he was laughing.

     "No. And for your information Chris they tasted like lotion." Hyunjin couldn't help but start laughing with everyone else. The bells rings and Chris sighs as he goes back to his desk and the boy's pack up their lunch. Hyunjin just sits and spaces out when he realizes he forgot to throw the note away because he was so distracted by Minji he ended up just sticking it back in his locker. Hyunjin walks out the door without saying a word and goes to his locker, but when he opens it, he not only sees one but two notes this time. The first one he pulls out is the one he read earlier, but the next one he pulls out is new:

     If you don't stay away from that blonde kid you're hanging around, Minji's going to hurt him. I heard her talking about him and how she didn't like how close you all looked. This is a warning but it's your choice to listen to it.                                                                                                                                                                                 -F

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