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     Minho's eyes feel heavy when he tries to open them. His knuckles popped when he moved his fingers. And the traffic outside the bus wasn't getting any better. They had spent all day out having fun but at the end of the day everyone was exhausted. Hyunjin and Felix both have their heads resting on the seat, and Minho felt something sturdy under his head. The boy looks over and sees his face was rather close to Jisung's neck, and that he was sleeping on his shoulder. Although Jisung didn't seem to mind since he was asleep as well.

     It was a bit dark out, and all that could be heard was the soft sound of whispering coming from the front of the bus. "Hey Chan." Seungmin whispers, and the curly-haired boy turns to face him. "You're half 42 next year." He gives a cheeky smile, and Chris gives him a straight look that made Seungmin laugh harder, but quietly since he didn't want to wake anyone up.

     "Don't you feel a little glad?" Chris asks, looking down at his and Seungmin's intertwined hands. The boy just looks at him with a confused face but a soft smile.

     "About what?" The younger subtly caresses the elder's hand with his thumb.

     "That at least a few people know about our relationship..."

     "Were you feeling pressured by it?"

     "No, I just..."

     "You don't have to lie to me, Christopher." Chris looks at Seungmin with wide eyes, and what made him feel worse was when Seungmin slowly tugs his hand out of Chris'. The curly haired boy continuously scratches the back of his hand to a beat he makes up in his head, a bad habit he picked up from the boy with white and gray hair, except there was no-one there to stop him.

     About an agonizing 30 minutes later, the bus finally pulled up at their college. Hyunjin tapped Felix's palm to get him up, and Minho lifted his head off of Jisung's shoulder to lightly shake the boy awake. Seungmin walks out way before Chris does, and Hyunjin locks hands with Felix to help him off of the bus. Minho catches up to Chris after hearing their conversation and grabs his wrist, diverting the elders' eyes from the singer walking ahead of him. "Hey, what happened in there?" Minho asks, referring to the quiet fight the married couple had a few minutes ago.

     "Nothing that I'd want to talk about." Chris says in a small voice, still scratching his hand. And if you were thinking, 30 minutes of non-stop scratching on your hand in the same area got a lot worse. But the boy didn't care about the hole he had made, he just didn't want to feel like a fuck up. Behind the two were Felix and Hyunjin walking hand in hand in comfortable silence. But the older of the two broke the silence.

     "You know we get dorms today." Felix nods, slightly smiling.

     "I hope I get a dorm with someone I know." He grins, running his fingers through his white hair with his free hand.

     "Yeah... me too." Hyunjin chuckles, feeling the warm air against him face. Eventually everyone gets inside the building and goes straight to collect their things and head to find out where their dorms are. Hyunjin let go of Felix's hand since he had already figured out the layout of the school. Hyunjin walks up to the woman sitting at the front and waits for the people in front of him to get their dorms. All students already got their dorms except for Hyunjin's class since weren't there.

     "Name?" The woman asks.

     "Hwang Hyunjin."

     "Hm... room 328." She responds. Hyunjin smiles and walks around, hoping to find his room.

     "320... 324..." He reads quietly. He stops in front of a door reading "328" and knocks on the door to see if his roommate is already there.

     "Oh! You can come in!" A familiar voice says, loud enough so Hyunjin could hear through the door.

     "...Felix?" Hyunjin mumbles to himself, opening the door to a boy in all white patting one of the two beds in the room. "Felix! I'm your roommate!" Hyunjin exclaims, and Felix turns toward the sound.

     "Hyunjin?" The boy questions, and then a huge grin blooms on the boy's face. He jumps up and down until he trips and falls on his well-made and decorated bed.

     "Woah... how'd you decorate so fast?" The elder asks, looking around at Felix's perfectly organized section of the room. Felix giggles and stands up, pointing to a door.

     "It was pretty easy to memorize the layout of the dorm. That's the bathroom, there's a microwave over there, there's a small desk on the right side of my bed which means my bed is likely on the left side of the room." He explains, and Hyunjin just stares at him. "I can also just feel my items and figure out what they are and where they need to go." Felix smiles. The long-haired boy sighs at how easily Felix finished his side of the room, and how lazy he's going to be.

     Hyunjin begins unpacking all of his things and placing them on his desk and bed, putting something in the bathroom.

                                                 Back with Chris

     Chris opens the cupboard and grabs a bag, filling it with ice and placing it over the bleeding hole in his hand. The curly-haired boy hears the door open and drops the bag on the floor, frozen in place. He turns around the find Kim Seungmin standing at the door, he begins to walk past Chris, but the older of the two stops him. "Seungmin...-"

     "I just don't understand, Chris." The boy sighs, balling up his hands. "I don't understand! Why didn't you just tell me?!" He yells, slamming his fists in the table multiple times, making Chris flinch. The curly haired boy subconsciously goes back to scratching his hand. Blood pools and skin peels, his breathing got faster, and beads sweat rolled down the sides of his face.

     He was having a panic attack. And it hit him so fast he didn't know what to do. "And if you weren't happy, how could you go all those months and tell me you were okay with us being a secret when I asked?! You lied!" Seungmin calms down and looks at Chris square in the eye as a tear rolls down the curly-haired boy's cheek. "You fucked up Christopher. But that doesn't mean I don't love you." Chris' face dampens with tears and thick scarlet liquid seeps out of his nose. But Chris doesn't react, he just stares and digs his nails further into the back of his hand. "Hey... what...?" Seungmin mumbles, his eyes wide.

     The younger grabs Chris' hand and sees the deep gash he made, and the blood under his fingernails from how much he scratched it. "I'm sorry... I made you hate me..." Chris mutters, the blood from his nose running down into his mouth, making him cough. Seungmin pulls walks around the kitchen counter as pulls Chris into a tight hug.

     "No Chris I wasn't mad because I hated you. I was mad because I love you and I want you to be happy." Seungmin says softly, carding his finger through Chris' hair. "I wish I saw you were having a panic attack..." Seungmin mutters, walking to grab a tissue and pressing it over Chris' nose, luckily it didn't last for long. Seungmin drags him to their bedroom and sits him on the bed, walking to the bathroom to find some things.

     The younger quietly cleans the gash and wraps it up, leaving Chris to lay down. Seungmin cups Chris' face and places a delicate kiss on his lips, lying down beside the boy.

                       Back with Jisung and Minho at their dorms

     Jisung walks over to his roommate and pats them on the shoulder. "What's up Sung Hyung?" The boy asks, him and Jisung became friends pretty fast, and for some reason Jisung told the boy to calm him "Sung Hyung" because it rhymes.

     "You want some ramen, Jeongin?" Jisung suggests, holding up two packs, and the younger happily nods.


     "MINHO-AH" Minho's roommate yells from inside the bathroom.

     "What?" Minho calmly asks from outside, looking up from his phone.

      "CAN YOU HEAT UP MY FOOD FROM MY BAG?" He yells again.

     "Sure." Minho opens his roommate's bag and pulls out a bag of French fries. He looks at them puzzled but then just throws them in the microwave. Minho hears the sink water turn on and then off, and the microwave goes off a little later. "Come out and eat your food, Seo Changbin."

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