The Call

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     The brightness of the sun shining through the open curtains. The birds chirping resounding in Felix's ears. The younger's eyes flutter open but the endless void of darkness remains. Felix reaches up to Hyunjin's sleeping face and kisses him on the cheek, sweetly waking the boy up. "Hey..." Hyunjin mutters, his voice deeper than usual.

     "Good morning..." Felix sleepily smiles at the boy. But Felix's deep ass voice woke Hyunjin up immediately. Felix rolls off of the boy and uses the elder's arm to stand up. The two boy's walk hand in hand downstairs since Felix didn't know the layout of Hyunjin's house and eat breakfast with his parents.

       "MINHO! GET THE RAMEN!" Changbin yells at the boy... even though he's not really meaning to yell he's just loud. Minho silently nods and drags Jeongin to the kitchen with him.

     "Why do I have to cook..." Minho mumbles.

     "You're the one who invited them in the first place." Changbin smirks at the boy, and Jisung laughs at the remark.

     "Yeah! Sung hyung's been wanting to come over here anyways. He's been talking about you non-stop Minho hyung, and how cute you are AND how he wants to get clo-" Jeongin stops, realizing two things. He just told Minho about the younger's massive crush on him. And two, Jisung was giving him a death glare that he'd never forget. "Um... want to cook that ramen now?" Minho nods many times and starts opening the packages.  

     The smell coming from the boiling pot wafts through the air as Minho and Jeongin stand, waiting for the food to stop cooking. Jisung and Changbin sit on the couch, picking out a movie for the four of them to watch together. When Minho and Jeongin finish cooking, they portion the food into four bowls and start to walk it over to where the others are sitting.  

     "Just so you know..." Changbin leans over towards Jisung and whispers. "Minho think's you're cute too. Hyunjin told me." Jisung's eyes widen, and he smiles sheepishly.

     The boy silently nods and turns back towards the tv. "Okay." He says.

     "Are you ready to go back?" Hyunjin asks the boy that's resting his head on his lap. Felix nods and sits up, taking a deep breath. "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, okay?" Hyunjin holds Felix's hand, but he only nods again. "Say something...?" The elder frowns, but the younger stays silent.

     "What do you want me to say Hyunjin?" Hyunjin sighs, resting his face in his palms.

     "I don't know..."

     "I mean... I wasn't going to talk to you about it until the others left but how did you think I was going to take that?" Felix then feels something drip on his face and roll into his mouth. He cringes and wipes his face quickly but then he recognizes the taste. "Hyunjin is your nose bleeding?" Felix reaches his hand up and rubs his finger over the boy's nose, feeling himself wipe something off of Hyunjin's nose. 

     The blood continues to run and drip on the bed, floor, and the younger's face. Felix stands up and wipes his face again and realizes that Hyunjin hasn't been moving. "Hyunjin." Felix says, no answer, just the continuous plop of blood. "Hyunjin."

     "I'm sorry..." The blood runs into the elder's mouth and puddles on the floor. Hyunjin's hands-stained red. 

     "Hyunjin stop."

     "I hurt you..." At this point not only did Felix hear drops one by one he heard a thin stream of blood, like when you just barely turn on a sink.

     "Stop please." Felix stumbles forward and takes the boy's hands off of his face and hears a splash from all of the blood that gathered up in Hyunjin's hands. Felix's arms drip with the liquid but he only focuses on snapping Hyunjin out of whatever state he's in.

     "You should have never liked me..."

     "Stop it!" Felix yells and Hyunjin's eyes grow wide, he stops mumbling and looks at the blood everywhere. Felix was breathing heavily with blood dripping on his face and arms. Hyunjin tastes blood and sees his hands slick with the red liquid. He sees Felix with tears running down his face while looking at Hyunjin and the elder tries to wipe his face, but he only covers it with more blood. His nose still running.

     The elder turns away from him and quickly goes to the bathroom. He spends about an hour in there and Felix starts to get worried. Eventually Felix hears the door open, and he sighs. "I'm so sorry Felix... I-"

     "Stop apologizing Hyunjin." Felix holds his hand out, and feels another hand touch his. "I just want you to talk to me." The boy whispers.

     "I will..." Felix walks into the bathroom and washes off his arms and face and then the two go downstairs to say goodbye to Hyunjin's parents and leave. Once they reach their dorm the two walk inside, and Felix goes over to his desk to grab something Hyunjin walks up to him. "Remember that day in the science lab?" He asks, and Felix nods. "Mind if I fulfill that promise now?"

     In the morning, Hyunjin slips out of the covers without waking Felix up and gets dressed. "Felix." He whispers, putting his cap on and then pulling the hood of his sweatshirt over his head.

     "Hm?" Felix mumbles.

     "I have to go because I need to go help my mom with her shop. I told the others to look after you, and Seungmin's going to come and sit by you today, okay?" Felix's eyes immediately open and he sits up. Reaching for the boy's arm he pulls the elder into a warm hug. "I'll be back towards the end of the day."

     "Okay..." Felix yawns and rubs his eyes. Hyunjin ruffles the boy's hair and walks out of the door as Felix stands up to get dressed. The white-haired boy walks down the stairs and makes it to Chris' class, sitting in his seat. Felix hears footsteps coming closer, and someone sit in the seat next to him.

     He realized it was Seungmin and smiles. "Hi!" The boy greets the younger in his normal energetic ways.

     "Hey Felix." Seungmin laughs quietly. "Hyunjin already tell you?" Seungmin asks, and the boy nods. Class goes on as normal when in the middle of it, a girl pops her head into the classroom.

     "Lee Felix? Mrs. Kang needs you."

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