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                                                               3 days ago

     Hey baby! How's college so far? Hyunjin hears her question and sighs.

     It's good ma. Not as bad as I thought it would be. Plus, Minho's here.

     Good! I have to get back to work so let me know if you need anything.

     How would you even get to me if I needed anything? The boy laughs, and he can hear his mother sigh.

     I would always find my way to you Hyunjin. The boy sighs and hangs up the phone after saying his goodbyes.


     "Okay Jiniret, we need to talk." Forrest grabs the boy and lead him out into the hallway. "Look I know you may be taking this whole 'stay away from Felix' thing hard but come on! I mean your whole personality has changed. I want to help! Please tell me what's got you so depressed that you-"

     "I like him." Hyunjin cuts the boy off without hesitation. Forrest just stares at him and then sighs.

     "Well shit. I guess that made this a whole lot harder huh?" Forrest's head hangs low as he grumbles unintelligible words under his breath. "Maybe you don't have to stay away from Felix? Maybe she was just bluffing."

     "Cha Minji pulled a knife on a girl that was one of my closest friends. I don't think she's bluffing." Hyunjin chuckles, and Forrest frowns at him.

     "Anyways, I noticed something about Felix..." Hyunjin just looks up at the boy, signaling him to continue. "His eyes are this light shade of gray... and when he's talking to someone it's almost as if he's looking through the person or just not looking at them at all. Is he...?"

     "Blind? Yes." Hyunjin answers the boy's question and the elder silently nods. Over Forrest's shoulder, Hyunjin spots a girl with long brown hair wearing a flannel shirt, it took just a second for him to recognize her. "I think your girlfriend needs you."

     "You just said she was your best friend. You take her." The elder says jokingly as the girl comes up and smacks him on the back of the head.

     "Rude." She smiles. "...Is that you Hyunjin?" The boy nods and she roughly grabs him and hugs him.

     "You know I don't think he can breathe." Forrest taps her on the shoulder, and she lets go.

     Hyunjin looks at her and frowns. "How's your arm Yeji?" He asks, and she rolls up the sleeves of her shirt showing him a long scar down her arm that's practically healed.

     "That bitch got me but I'm okay. Have to be." She sighs and rolls her sleeves back down. Hyunjin and Forrest look at each other and then back at the girl standing between them.

     "Us being the most honest people you know... we have something to tell you." Hyunjin starts, and Yeji cocks a brow at him and then turns to Forrest.

     "Cha Minji is back and she's in this school. She's targeting a boy that Hyunjin is close to." Forrest explains, and Yeji's eyes grow wide. Suddenly a voice comes from the hallway and the three turn around to see a girl standing there with big eyes, gripping a knife tightly in her right hand. Yeji balls up the fabric of Forrest's shirt in her hand, all the memories coming back.

                                                          2 years ago

     "Hwang Yeji? Mrs. Yeo needs you." A girl pops her head into Yeji's class and calls her out. Yeji gets up and walks out with the girl, a couple minutes of walking later and Yeji realized that she wasn't going to Mrs. Yeo's class.

     "Where are you taking me?" Yeji asks, but as she does someone grabs a fist full of her hair and knocks her to the ground, dragging her to the shed in the back of her high school. Yeji screams but no-one hears her since nobody ever goes back there. The door to the shed is closed and there stands Cha Minji. The one girl brutally obsessed with her best friend. 

     "You stay away from Hyunjin you understand?" She breathes heavily, staring at Yeji on the ground.

     "He's been my best friend since we were kids, I'm not just leaving him?!" Yeji yells and Minji's head drops. The girl slowly walks towards Yeji and crouches next to her, then she slowly presses her knee against Yeji's chest.

     "Suit yourself." Minji picks up a long knife from the ground and wipes it on her shirt. Yeji's eyes widen and she tries to move but Minji's knee keeps her from getting up. Minji digs the knife into Yeji's left arm, making the girl let out a painful scream. Minji drags the knife down her arm and then rips the knife out. Yeji sobs loudly, holding her arm that's gushing blood. Suddenly the door opens, a boy with long black hair stands in the doorway.

     Hyunjin roughly pushes Minji and pulls Yeji off of the ground, trying to cover the girl's arm but the more pressure they put the more blood that covers Hyunjin's hands. "WHAT THE HELL MINJI?!" Hyunjin screams but, the girl just looks at him with tears in her eyes.

     "You need to stay away from her Hyunjin she's not good for you..." Minji cries. Hyunjin's eyes wide and full of rage, he runs out of the shed with Yeji and calls 911. But by the time they got Yeji in the ambulance and the police went to check the shed, Minji and the knife were gone. There were no cameras in the shed, no knife no evidence. So there was no way that they could get Minji without any reason. And despite Hyunjin's obvious hatred for Minji at that moment... the girl still couldn't take a hint.


     "Why are you hugging him..." The girl mumbles, tears welling up in Yeji's eyes as she watches the girl walk closer. "I thought I got rid of you." The girl looks up making her face much clearer. Minji grips her knife much harder and charges at the three.

     "GO GO GO!" Forrest yells, he pushes Yeji towards Hyunjin and stands his ground. Hyunjin grabs Yeji's hand and starts running towards the back door. He slightly turns around to see Minji screaming and running after them before Forrest grabs her and throws her to the ground.

     The last thing Hyunjin sees before taking Yeji outside is Minji swinging her knife everywhere while Forrest is pinning her down. Yeji tries to catch her breath, but it wasn't easy because of her crying. "Yeji he's going to be okay." Hyunjin whispers squeezing her hand.

     "What if he's not..." Yeji cries and just then Forrest opens the door and walks out. The boy has his hand over his stomach and is sweating quite a lot.

     "Forrest you okay?" Hyunjin asks, walking up to the boy, and Forrest nods.

     "Yeah. I'm good... but..." Forrest's eyes begin to flutter closed. "But... I think she... stabbed... me..." The boy falls on the ground and Yeji runs over to him, moving his hand to reveal a patch of blood beginning to spread.

     "Forrest stay awake." Yeji says, putting pressure on his wound but it only bled more when she did. Her tears dripped on his face, but all of her efforts and he only smiled at her.

     "Hey... don't cry okay baby?" Forrest smiles, lifting his hand up and cupping Yeji's face, leaving red marks on her cheeks but she didn't care.

     Hyunjin comes from around the corner with red eyes like he had been crying. "The ambulance should be here in a little..." Hyunjin sniffs and walks over to a wall, resting his face in his palms. Forrest slides his hand down to Yeji's neck and pulls her face closer to his and whispers something.

     "...She got away."

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