Almost Perfect

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     "Yeji... you should stay here with Forrest." Hyunjin whispers to the girl resting on his shoulder. She had been crying all day and was exhausted because of the stress. She nods quietly and stands up, walking over to Forrest's hospital room. Once Yeji reaches the boy's room, she opens the door and walks inside. 

     "I'm sorry Forrest. If I hadn't been in your life, you wouldn't have risked yourself to save me."

     "Why are you always so serious... jeez." Yeji's eyes widen as she runs over to see Forrest wide awake and laughing at her statement. "Guess what?"

     "What?" Yeji asks, getting closer so she can hear him.

     "I'm happy you're my girlfriend that I would do anything for. You should be too."  Yeji brushes the boy's dark green hair out of his face and smiles.

     "Never been happier."

     "You know Felix I actually need to go somewhere... right now."

     "Alright." Felix waves in the boy's direction as he walks out of the door. Hyunjin runs to the hospital and meets Yeji outside. 

     "What's up?" Hyunjin catches his breath and Yeji leads him inside to Forrest's room. The pungent smell of cleaning products filling Hyunjin's nostrils. The mere sight of Forrest made the boy flash a huge grin and laugh as Forrest ruffles his hair.

     "Hey Jiniret." The boy says, sounding more tired than he looks.

     "How are you?" Hyunjin asks with a bit of worry laced in his voice.

     "Better than ever." Forrest laughs but then he starts coughing and Yeji grabs ahold of his hand.

     "Wrong. You tore your liver and had severe bleeding, so during your surgery the doctors couldn't even see what they were doing because of the amount of blood that was leaking out of your body, SO they had to get multiple bags of blood to keep you alive." Yeji glares at the boy making him smile sheepishly.

     "Damn." Hyunjin sighs.

     "You know I really thought you were going to die." Yeji frowns and Forrest apologizes even though he was smiling. Hyunjin watches the couple and grins, but soon coming to realize the reason that they were here in the first place.

     "So Forrest... that info?" Hyunjin asks, and the boy makes an 'oh' sound. The boy squeezes Yeji's hand harder and instantly looks more serious. The tension in the air immediately suffocating Hyunjin despite not knowing what the hell Forrest was about to say. But even though Hyunjin didn't know what was happening... he knew it was bad.

     Forrest takes a deep breath and speaks. "I have reason to believe that Felix is next on Minji's kill list." Right... why was this happening? The statement leaving Hyunjin frozen, however his face shows no emotion. All Hyunjin wanted to do was grab Forrest by his collar and ask him how the hell he came up to that conclusion. But that would get him nowhere... and the best thing to do in this situation is to stay calm.

     "And just how did you come to that?" Hyunjin asks as calmly as he can.

     "Well... back when I was trying to keep Cha Minji away from you guys...


     "Why are you hugging him..." The girl mumbles, tears welling up in Yeji's eyes as she watches the girl walk closer. "I thought I got rid of you." The girl looks up making her face much clearer. Minji grips her knife much harder and charges at the three.

     "GO GO GO!" Forrest yells, he pushes Yeji towards Hyunjin and stands his ground. Forrest looks at the two running away before he realizes that Minji is already charging at them, screaming at the top of her lungs. The boy runs and grabs her spinning her around and pinning Minji on the ground. Trying his best not to let her knife that she's swinging around touch him.

     While trying to keep her on the ground the boy hears her mumbling some words... but only a few he catches on too. "I'm going to... kill that blonde motherfucker..." She mumbles trying to get out of Forrest's grip. The statement caught the boy off guard.

     "What the he-" Before the boy was able to finish his statement, he was cut off by a sharp pain in his stomach. Forrest looks down to see Minji's knife penetrating his stomach, the girl grabs his nape and pulls him down towards her, making the knife dig deeper. Forrest's throat burns and he spits up warm blood that drips on Minji's face, making her smile.

     "You know what you're feeling right now isn't pain... it's shock." She says as clear as day. "Now the real pain comes... when the knife is ripped out. Leaving your blood to seep through that snow white shirt of yours."  She then proceeds to twist the knife and tear it out of Forrest's stomach and the boy dops to the ground.

     Minji pushes the boy off of her and gets up, walking away and out of Forrest's blurred eyesight. Forrest grabs his stomach and stumbles on his feet to grab a wall. His abdomen hurt like hell and the least he could do was walk outside and let the others he wasn't dead... yet. Forrest's fist clings to the wall as beads of sweat roll into his eyes and cracked lips.

     The boy quickly turned pale, and his breathing was ragged. Blood started to seep through his shirt and his fingers, and when he reached the others outside, he looked them in the eyes for a second before falling limp on the ground.


     "Goddamn it..." Yeji sighs, rubbing Forrest's hand with her own as he finishes. Hyunjin swallows harshly before realizing something. If Minji was for sure targeting Felix next, then there was no way in hell that Hyunjin should have ever left the younger at the dorm by himself.

     "I... have to go." Hyunjin runs out of the hospital at full speed, trying not to think of all the bad things that could happen while the elder wasn't there. When Hyunjin sees his college, he uses his last bit off energy to get up the stairs and to his dorm and he wastes no time busting through the door.

     Hyunjin sees Felix peacefully eating an apple before he jumps after hearing the sound of the door opening, making the fruit drop on the floor. Felix sighs and turns his head towards the loud noise. "Hyunjin... come on..." Felix feels around for the apple and picks it up, walking over to the kitchen and throwing it into the trash can, frowning. Hyunjin sighs in relief and walks over to the boy, pulling him into a tight hug. "Everything okay?" Felix asks, wrapping his arms around Hyunjin and the boy nods.

     "Yeah... everything's fine."



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