Hold Me

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     "Your son gets extremely stressed out, and that's the reason for his frequent nosebleeds."

     "So as long as he stays calm it won't happen again?"

     "That's correct."

     "You must stay calm okay Hyunjin?"

     "I will momma."

     Hyunjin puts his hand over his nose as blood leaks through his fingers and sighs. Walking over to the bathroom he opens the door and grabs a paper towel to hold on his nose. "Are you okay?" A voice comes from beside him. A young boy asks him, handing him another paper towel.

     "Yeah... just a lot of stress." Hyunjin answers, taking the paper towel and replacing the other one.

     The boy looks at him and Hyunjin wonders why he hasn't left yet. "This might be weird, and you can say no but... do you wanna hang out? I'm bored and have no one to be around. After you're done of course, I can wait." Hyunjin shrugs and the boy smiles, quietly waiting for Hyunjin's nosebleed to stop. After he's done Hyunjin washes his hands and walks out with the boy.

     "So... what's your name?" Hyunjin questions, and the boy laughs.

     "Niki." He smiles. "What's yours?"

     "Hyunjin." The boy combs his hair out of his face with his fingers and then swings his arm around the boy's shoulder. "So, what do you want to do first?" The two became close friends very fast. They went to the arcade, got something to eat, took a long walk around the park, and then Hyunjin walked with Niki back to the boy's house. Rain and thunder but Hyunjin had bought an umbrella at a close store.

     "Well, I guess you'll tell me how it goes with your boyfriend, yes?"

     "He's not my boyfriend Nik."

     "Yeah yeah, whatever." Niki waves to him and walks into his house, Hyunjin just standing there the whole time. Eventually the boy walks away back to his college and up to his dorm room to see Felix already laying in his bed, asleep. Hyunjin was quite surprised since he thought the thunder would keep the boy awake.

     Hyunjin wrings out the umbrella and then changes into some dry clothes, slipping into his bed. As another boom of thunder comes Hyunjin sees Felix jump, indicating that he wasn't really asleep. "Hyunjin?" No answer. "I know you're in here I heard the door open." No answer. The boy sighs and Hyunjin sees him stumble to stand up and get out of his bed. "I... I can't sleep. I'm cold and the thunder is too loud. So, I wanted to ask if I could sleep with you tonight." No answer.

     Hyunjin watches as Felix begins to walk closer and closer until his foot touches the boy's bed. "Just use your blanket Felix." Hyunjin says sternly, regardless of the thought of holding Felix eating him away from the inside.

     "Please Hyunjin. I promise I won't talk to you or bother you after this just... hold me... just for tonight."

     "Momma the lightning scares me I can't sleep." 

     "It's okay Hyunjin. Just come here I'll keep you safe."

     Felix stands still for a moment and Hyunjin could visibly see the boy shaking. Hyunjin sighs, he grabs the boy and pulls him into his bed. Only Felix reached his arm out until it touched Hyunjin's, and then he pulled himself closer to the boy until their bodies were pressed against each other. Hyunjin freezes, and then he breaks, opening his arms and hugging the boy tightly.

     Felix buries his face into the crook of the boy's neck, breathing softly. And Hyunjin runs his fingers through the boy's hair as an attempt to lull the boy to sleep. The elder could feel Felix gently rubbing circles on his back until his finger stopped moving. "If only I could tell you how much I like you. I would never let you go." Hyunjin whispers.

     Something Hyunjin would've rethought saying if he knew Felix was awake the whole time.

     Sunday morning comes and Hyunjin wakes up finding himself with his lips pressed against Felix's neck. The boy hastily gets up, accidently waking up Felix in the process. "Hyunjin?" Felix asks, yawning and managing to catch the boy's arm before he gets up.

     "You said you'd leave me alone afterwards so why aren't you doing so?" Hyunjin turns towards the boy to see him looking confused again.

     "Why are you acting like this again?" Felix doesn't let go of Hyunjin's arm. "You're avoiding me."

     "The only thing I'm doing is going back to normal."

     "We were just fine!" Felix couldn't help but raise his voice because he couldn't stand the boy trying to avoid him anymore.

     "What? You think that because I pitied you, we were fine?!" Felix wasn't the only one that couldn't stand it. Hyunjin unintentionally let his voice shake as tears welled up in his eyes.

     "Hyunjin... you're crying." Felix tightens his grip on the boy's arm and uses it to stand up. "Why are you crying?" No answer. Felix just couldn't take it anymore. "WHY?!"

     "BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT YOU FELIX! THIS WHOLE TIME I'VE DONE NOTHING BUT CARE ABOUT YOU I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE YOU... I don't want to leave you Felix please forgive me please..." Hyunjin drops to his knees holding Felix by his waist, mumbling a bunch of apologies. Felix smiles, lowering down in front of the boy and holding him by his shoulders.

     The boy had no idea what Hyunjin was apologizing for but all he knew was that he was happy about Hyunjin not really wanting to avoid him. Felix pulls the boy into a hug letting Hyunjin cry on his shoulder. After a minute or so Hyunjin backs away and pulls himself and Felix off of the ground. Hyunjin looks at the boy for a second and then grabs his waist, pulling him closer. "Hyunjin?"

     Hyunjin just stares at the boy, his eyes. Something about his eyes, they're gray yet they have this certain... shine. The boy's eyes trail down to his lips. Pink, heart shaped, plump lips that for some reason all Hyunjin could think about was kissing them.

     Hyunjin leans forward and pecks Felix's lips to see the boy's reaction. His eyes widen for a second and then Felix calms down, his lips twisting into a smile. Hyunjin takes that as a sign and tries again, except he didn't pull away this time. Felix slightly parts his lips and tilts his head only making Hyunjin want to kiss him for longer. 

     Felix was the first to pull away, and Hyunjin frowns. "It's Sunday, just... go back to bed." Hyunjin quietly nods but he feels something buzz in his pocket. The boy takes out his phone and sees a text message from Yeji.

     You need to get back to the hospital. Forrest says he has some info he wants to share with us.

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