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     Felix starts to stand up but then Seungmin grabs his arm. "Felix..." He whispers but Felix smiles at the boy.

     "I'll just go see what Mrs. Kang needs and then I'll come back! I'll be okay I promise!" Felix pats his hand and walks away, meeting the girl at the door. They begin to walk... and walk... and walk. "Didn't we pass... Mrs. Kang's class already?" Just then, the girl pushes Felix away from her and someone else grabs him, knocking him to the ground and dragging him somewhere. Felix screams and kicks, trying to pry the person's hand off of his hair but they don't budge.

     Felix hears a door close and the overwhelming quiet takes over. "Who are you?" Felix's voice wavers and a high-pitched giggle was heard.

     "What's it to you?"

     Hearing the girls voice Felix's fear instantly goes away. "You're the girl that forced herself on Hyunjin." Felix didn't need to ask, he knew.

     "Cha Minji, pleasure to meet you." The girl chuckles.

     "I know who you are. Your oh so precious Hyunjinnie told me." The boy smiles, and her smile grew wider.

     "I bet he told you good things then."

     "Oh, hell no! He doesn't like you at all, he might even hate you." Felix giggles, but it wasn't menacing he sounded like he was having fun.

     "You know I got him away from you for just a while. I could've made my move." Minji sighs, shaking her head. She watches as Felix's head drops to the ground with laughter and then he picks it backs up.

     "He's my boyfriend after all..." Minji eyes grow wide, and Felix hears something slide against the shed wall, something sharp. A knife. Felix then feels a sharp slice against his arm and falls to the ground. A warm thick liquid begins to run down his arm and he winces in pain.

     Felix's ears pick up a sound, footsteps. Coming fast but they were still far away, however they were getting louder by the second. "Besides... do you really think that Hyunjin would choose you?" The boy's eyebrows raise, and he smiles widely.

     "Yes. I do-" The loud slam of the shed door opening is what cuts Minji off in the middle of her sentence.

     "Wrong answer." Hyunjin huffs as beads of sweat fall on his clothes. Minji's eyes widen, and she drops her knife, walking over to the boy.

     "Hyunjin I-" Once again cut off but this time it was by Hyunjin's fist connecting to her face.

     "Lights out." The boy sighs, immediately running over to Felix. "Are you okay?" Hyunjin helps the boy stand up. 

     "How did you find me?" Felix asks, and Hyunjin smiles.

     "I forgot something at the dorm, so I thought, why not go check on you on the way in and out. But when I got to Chris' class, I didn't see you. So, I asked Seungmin and he said some girl came in and pulled you out of class saying that Mrs. Kang needed you or something. And I realized that's the exact same thing that happened to Yeji. So, I rushed out here hoping I wouldn't find you in the same situation as Yeji, but I did..." The elder then walks over to the girl knocked out cold on the floor and grabs her wrists.

     The boy takes some rope from the corner of the shed and ties her wrists and legs together. "Mind calling the police for me sweetheart?" Felix is surprised by the name, but he doesn't let stop him.

     "Yeah..." Felix fumbles feeling for his phone but then he finds it and calls 911. Sooner or later a cop car shows up at the school and they hear voices coming closer to the shed and at the time Minji had woken up. An officer comes busting through the door and sees two boys with a tied-up girl.

     Minji was screaming and squirming around swinging her blood covered knife everywhere. Officers soon drag her off of the ground and put her in the car. "You okay son?" The man asks, and Felix nods, but Hyunjin doesn't know what he's talking about. Hyunjin then looks over to see Felix with a large gash on his arm, blood seeping out of it.

     "Felix!" Hyunjin yells, and the younger smiles.

     "I'm fine, I just need to go to the doctor that's all."

     "So will you two tell me all that that young lady has done?" 

     "She tried to murder all of my friends." Hyunjin explains, and the officer's eyes widen. "Come with us to the hospital." Hyunjin says, and the officer shrugs. The two boys pile into the police car and Hyunjin texts Yeji to meet them there. Once the arrive the officer gets out and they meet Yeji in Forrest's hospital room.

     "This my friend Yeji, first victim." Yeji rolls up her sleeves and shows her scar on her arm, and the officer's eyebrow's raise. "My friend Forrest, second victim." Forrest shakily sits up on the hospital bed and lifts his shirt, showing a red stitched up stab wound on his abdomen that isn't close to being healed. The officer walks closer to get a better look a lets out a heavy sigh. "My boyfriend Felix, third victim." The officer turns to see the boy's open gash that's bleeding through the boy's fingers as he tries to put his hand over it.

     The officer sighs, and after some talking, he takes Hyunjin and Felix over to the doctor so the boy can get some stitches. Over at the police station, Minji confesses to everything she did. From cutting Yeji up to trying to kill Felix. But her excuse was always 'trying to keep Hyunjin safe'. She was immediately arrested, 15 years in prison.

     Hyunjin and Felix sit in their dorm. Heavy rain and loud thunder. Felix laying on his bed, and Hyunjin sitting up on his bed, drawing the white-haired boy's peaceful sleeping face. Hyunjin always wanted to be an artist, and everyone always told him he had the talent to do so. All of a sudden, a loud clasp of thunder and Felix jumps. "Can't sleep?" Hyunjin asks, still looking down at the paper and Felix shakes his head. "Come on." Hyunjin holds his hand out, he sees Felix stumble out of bed with tears running down his face and his hands over his ears.

     "It's too loud, I can't hear you..." Felix cries, and Hyunjin sets his paper aside, looking up at the boy.

     "You can Felix, even if it's just a little, follow it." Hyunjin's bed seemed so much farther than it used too, and as another excruciatingly loud clap of thunder resounded in Felix's ears, the boy stumbles to the ground.

     "I can't do it..." Felix sobs, and Hyunjin sadly smiles.

     "I'm not going to yell at you for me to hear me Felix... I want you to listen to my voice, find me." Felix stays silent for a moment, and then carefully stands up. Step by step, he jumps when there's thunder but as soon as his hand touches Hyunjin's he grabs the boy crawls onto his lap and wraps his legs around the elders' waist. Felix's arms go around Hyunjin's neck like a koala hugging a tree.

     "It's okay Felix... it's all over now."

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