Stop Time

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     "Hyunjin... I hate you."

     "I'm sorry Felix! Please! I should have told you I know! I just wanted to keep you safe!"

     "No... you don't understand... I never want to hear you again."

     Hyunjin wakes up in the middle of the night sweating and blood running out of his nose. He tries to get up, but something keeps him down. The boy turns to see Felix with his arm around Hyunjin's waist, sleeping soundly. Felix starts to wake up and eventually sits up on the bed and grabs Hyunjin's arm.

     Hyunjin flips the boy's hand over and taps his palm twice, gathering Felix's attention. "I need to go to the bathroom." Hyunjin whispers, holding his nose, and Felix nods. Letting go of Hyunjin's arm, the elder gets up and walks to the bathroom. Hyunjin grabs a tissue and holds it to his nose while thinking about the nightmare he just had.

     The boy had a feeling that if he didn't tell Felix about what was happening then that would surely happen sooner or later. The boy finishes and washes the blood off of his fingers and then sits back on his bed. "Are you okay?" Felix asks, reaching for the boy's back and crawling behind him. Hugging the boy while he waits for an answer.

     "Yeah. I'm okay Felix you don't need to worry." He rubs Felix's hand and smiles. "Go back to bed." Felix nods and slides his arms off of Hyunjin's waist and goes back to his side of the bed. Hyunjin lays back down by Felix and grabs ahold of the boy's hand, seeing Felix smile at his touch. There was way too much going on in Hyunjin's head right now... and Felix was the only one keeping the boy sane.

     In the morning Hyunjin wakes up while Felix is still sleeping, trying not to wake the boy up he gets dressed and walks back out of the bathroom. He gently wakes the boy up by lightly shaking him until Felix shifts and grabs Hyunjin's arm, something Hyunjin realized has become a habit for the younger. "I'm going to class. If you're still tired, I can tell Chris that you're not feeling well." Hyunjin whispers but Felix shakes his head.

     "No. Wait for me." Felix uses the boy's arm to stand up and then he walks to the bathroom after getting his clothes. Felix comes back out with his usual fluffy hair, white sneakers, a white hoodie and white jeans. Looking at the boy Hyunjin wished he could just stop time. if only there was no crazy girl obsessed with him and the elder could just live in this very moment forever. "Ready?" Felix asks, snapping Hyunjin out of his thoughts.

     "Mhm." The two boy's walk out of the room and go to Chris' class, sitting in their usual seats. Chris walks over to their seats, wearing the black sweatshirt again. Seungmin sitting down in Chris' chair wearing a gray hoodie with a jean jacket over it. The 21-year-old rests his head on the desk in front of Hyunjin and Felix's and the younger taps him on the shoulder. "You good Chris?" Hyunjin asks, and the boy nods.

     "Seungmin's gonna be teaching today..." The boy yawns, and Seungmin shakes his head.

     "Nope! What he means is you all are gonna have all A's in this class because we aren't doing anything today... and probably not ever." Everyone cheers and immediately starts talking and moving seats as Seungmin gets up and sits by Chris, rubbing the boy's back as he falls asleep. Felix lays his head down on his desk and closes his eyes.

     "So you were still tired..." Hyunjin chuckles, and the boy nods. Hyunjin pats the boy's shoulder before getting up and walking to his locker, he opens it and pulls out those notes that Forrest and Minji left him. He starts to walk over to a trashcan when he hears footsteps coming from behind him.

     "Hyunjinnie~" The boy turns around to see Minji walking closer to him, she runs and shoves him against the wall, covering his mouth with her hand.

     "Hyunjin?" The boy also hears but the voice was way too far away.

     Minji then moves her hand away from his mouth and pulls his face closer to hers, smashing their lips together. Hyunjin tries to move but the girl has him pinned to the wall with her elbow. He felt her tongue swipe against his lips and gagged until he finally got his hands on her shoulders and pushed her off. He shoves her into a nearby closet and holds the handle so she can't get out. "You stay in there and don't make a sound."

     Felix comes around the corner and just stands there. "Was someone here?" He asks, looking... upset. Hyunjin grabs his hand and swallows.

     "No Felix, let's go back."

     "Hyunjin, I heard it." Hyunjin looks at the boy and frowns.

     "What... did you hear?"

     "You know what I heard." The elder sighs, but something else happened that made his situation worse.

     "Hyunjinnie~" Minji whines. "Can I come out now?" Felix smiles, but he wasn't happy, hell no he was pissed. Not once had Hyunjin seen Felix like this, and he didn't like it.

     "So the first time I finally decide to trust someone with my feelings they stab me in the back after one day."

     "Felix please-" Hyunjin tries to explain but Felix begins to walk away without letting him say anything. Hyunjin wanted to scream and beg on his knees for Felix not to walk away but all he could do was chase after him like some lost dog that doesn't know what to do. This whole time he just wanted to keep Felix safe, and this is how everything falls out. 

     Just moments ago, Hyunjin had been holding Felix in his arms and telling him everything was okay and all of that just collapsed in a matter of seconds. Hyunjin hears as the bell rings and many students rush out of their classrooms. With the bell and sound of students' chatter and footsteps Felix couldn't tell where to go and kept bumping into students.

     One of the students finally knock him backwards but someone grabs the boy's wrist and pulls him towards them. "Felix there are too many people here you'll fall. Let me walk you out and we can talk." Felix just stands still and then jerks his hand away, but Hyunjin grabs him again. "Please Felix! Don't leave me I'm right here!" Felix then stops in his tracks and turns back around.

     "You are?" Felix shakily reaches his hand out until his fingertips touch Hyunjin's cheek, he cups the elder's face and sighs. Hyunjin watches the boy's expression carefully, then Felix speaks.

     "But I can't see you."


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