~ 𝐌𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞 ~

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~ 5 years later ~

Recap! Our lovely woman, Kanae Kocho is finally pregnant! But, perhaps, its the wrong time, place, and ... person? Sanemi, her boyfriend, doesn't know yet and Kanae fears he will dump her with a cold shoulder. So, she did it for him! But, 5 years later, was it worth it?


Kanae winces at the light, shining through her blinds as the early morning continued. She balances herself up, relying on her arms to keep her up. She gets up with a yawn, stretching her arms and legs. She looks up, and catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror. 

It reminds her of four years ago. She didn't go to face herself, she just caught a look at herself. How far had she come from that depressing day? Takahashi came and went. Her little angle (A girl!) was born. She was becoming a Trainee at a hospital so when she finished her eight-year studies, she could become one with knowledge and experience.

She admires her silky, purple pajamas before turning away to go make breakfast. Her room is at the end of the hall. If you were to walk out, the bathroom would be close-by to your left and a little farther down, you would see her child's room, a two-door entrance she claimed the second they moved into the house. At the end of the hall, it opened up to to a kitchen on the left and a living room on the right, both connected. In the middle, a front door.

As she mixes that pancake batter, a ringing goes off in her room. She turns off the stove, and runs over to her room. She throws the door open, and picks up the phone off the nightstand. She smiles as she picks up and greets Takahashi. After a bit of uncomfortable small talk, he hangs up and she starts to get dressed, ready pick up her baby. She smiles, thinking of her.

Sumire Kocho, my only one


"If I ever had a girl, I would name her Sumire," 15 year old Sanemi said to her, while they were watching the fireworks go off. She turned, giggling "Sumire, hm? I like that name, I might use it for mine!" 15 year old Kanae joked. Sanemi turned, now facing with her, noticing there was only a few inches between their faces, light blush covering both of them. "Hey! That was my idea!" he complained, snapping from his thought and lightly punching her shoulder. 

Kanae whipped her whole body around, "Oh yeah? Well whoever has a daughter first gets claim to the name!" Kanae declared brightly. Sanemi rolled his eyes. "Fine!!" he agreed. They stay silent for a couple of moments, before Kanae felt a warm hand cup her's. She turned to Sanemi, surprised.

"And what if we have the same daughter," he said, turning the opposite way, the blush growing strong. Kanae blushed, but made a smug face, placing her delicate hands on his scarred face. "Thinking about the future already, Sanemi? Even before you tell me how you got those scars?" she asks, caressing his face.

 Sanemi sighs, and his blush grows bigger, feeling her hands. "When I have the courage to, you'll know all about me." he said stiffly. Kanae frowns, "I've known you, for ... over 10 years! What happened?" She asks, curiosity taking over. Sanemi chuckles, and smiles sadly. "I promise to tell you everything." he says, wrapping his hands around her waist.

After a few seconds, Sanemi lays his chin on her head. "I love you, I have for a while now, Kanae." he confesses, trying not to look at her. Kanae smiled, feeling her hands on his cheeks and his hands on her waist. "Me too," she says, tilting his head down.

𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓼 𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓰𝓷𝓮𝓭・ 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐚Where stories live. Discover now