~ 𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐝 ~

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Recap! Our lovely heroine, Kanae Kocho has found something shocking: Douma's real name! The real bad part? It's the same surname as her one true love. Meanwhile, Sumire has her own plans on how to hide from monsters


"Douma Shinazugawa?"
Kanae whispered, letting the vanilla document fall to the floor, leaving the information in her hands. 

Was it a coincidence? 
Surely, it had to be. Perhaps a fake name. Maybe it was his actual name, but there was no way he was related to Sanemi.

Not after everything, every step of the way, every painful turn, this couldn't happen.
Did Sanemi know?

Sanemi and Douma were a part of two different times of her life. They missed each other by months. There was no possible way.

Except, there was. If they were brothers, then they must've known each other. But, Sanemi couldn't have let Douma go through with all the horrible things he did to her. He would've stopped it if he knew! 


Kanae's thoughts spiraled, leaving her gripping onto hope. 

He didn't know.
He didn't know!
He didn't know!
He didn't know!
He didn't know!

Somewhere between her paranoid and pitiful thoughts, someone snuck behind her. Smile glinting in the light from the door, and put his hand on her shoulder and leaned over, face right next to her.

Kanae gasped, whipping her face to see the familiar albino smiling at her.

"What are you doing here?" Sanemi asked, grinning.
"Nothing!" she squeaked coyly.
"You sure?" he questioned nonchalantly, backing up.
"100%!" she replied, looking back at him. 

"So," he started, flicking on the lights and closing the door, "what're you actually up to?" he asked, picking up the vanilla folder and placing it into her empty hand, eyeing the files in her other.

"Are those Mr. Doma's files?"
Kanae looked up, confused.

"Yea, they are. Did you know him before he came here?" Kanae asked, and Sanemi sighed.

"Not really. I used to see him at a coffee shop a lot. He came up to talk to me once. Said he was a pediatrician and just moved, looking for a job. I told him I worked as an owner of one, and I could get Suzuki, my secretary, to interview him."

"How did it go?" Kanae inquired to Sanemi's confused face.

"It went well, according to her. She reviewed his files, and kept talking about a joke she made that his last name being the same as his first was funny.

"He answered 'I love helping kids, so that's why I'm a doctor' " -Kanae shuddered, thinking about that vile man being near children and his threat to Sumire- "and so she put him in the clear to hire him. That's what I remember from our conversation." Sanemi said, trying to think back clearly.

"How was he the first time?" Kanae asked, feeling her stomach brew a flight-or-fight concern as she realized the error in his story. Sanemi went back to thinking, tapping his pointer finger to his chin.

"Well, he was awfully nice. Talked in such a light and giggly tone, perfect for kids," He answered quickly, considering her look, "is something wrong with him?" 

𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓼 𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓰𝓷𝓮𝓭・ 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐚Where stories live. Discover now