~ 𝐔𝐧𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲~

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Recap! Our lovely heroine, Kanae Kocho, can't seem to get a break! Dealing with pesky people, jealous or downright evil, she feels like a magnet for their metal cruelness. In that dark situation, she finds herself drawn to Sanemi. Was their kiss for nothing, or for something? Even as that question plagues her mind, there is another one. What does Doma want?


Kanae knew that man from before their apartment encounter. It was before Sumire was born and after she left Sanemi. That evil, evil man was named Douma. But he constantly switched surnames to get around the government. In other words, just another one of Takahashi's shady friends.

Two miracles happened on December 2, 2021.
Sumire's birth, and Douma's disappearance.

Kanae knew he went missing. Rather than be there for her and Sumire, the girl he was convinced was his child, Kitsune kept calling him from the comfort of his own apartment, and Kanae was glad; she loved her alone time with her new baby. Once she confirmed he was missing, she was happy.

He'd hit her a few times.

Kanae hated him for it. As the months went on, and as Kitsune grew more neglectful and indifferent to her presence, he had Douma around more often. Seeing him more and more

set off dulled emotions of hate, and Kanae could take it; a house for her baby was the long-term objective. She would take his hits and abuse, but she would've reported him without a second thought if he went a few feet near her baby

She could only wish to kill him. Jail mom wasn't the best choice among her slim options. All she could do was learn to hate him. Try and hate the fluttery blond hair, the pale skin, the odd fashion choices, everything. Those shiny, rainbow eyes had her hate from the very beginning.

Even as she held Sumire in her arms when she got back from the hospital, all she could think of was an undeniable happiness when she caught word of his disappearance. Those evil eyes were finally gone, replaced with absolutely nothing.
She always relished the thought of him dying. She felt bad about it in some places of her heart, but she knew she didn't care too much about him. The way he so violently treated her, when she was carrying another human life no less, made her heart beat with rage. Douma-from-then and Douma-from-now

The image of when Douma-from-now showed his true colors popped into her mind, and she vaguely remembered something. Something she buried deep, coaxed herself to forget about it, all over these years.
She remembered one of his hits. It was nearly fatal, and she barely made it.

It was meant to be a small hit, but he hit her directly onto her stomach. She tried not to make it a big deal, but it stung like crazy for the next few hours. Into the night, when Kitsune didn't return (not out of the usual), she remembered the feeling of emotional sorrow and physical pain mixed into her brain.

Lose the baby,
Lose the baby,
Lose the baby,
L ose the baby,
L o se the baby,
L o s e the baby
L o s e t he baby,
L o s e t h e baby,
L o s e t h e b aby,
L o s e t h e b a by,
L o s e t h e b a b y,

Somehow, through all that pain, she fell asleep. She didn't collapse, faint, or lose consciousness, she fell asleep, slowly but surely. By the time she felt her eyes flutter open, the pain was gone. No blood, no strange feeling, no Douma or Kitsune. Just her and her precious baby. Safe, even if it was for the slightest of seconds.

𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓼 𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓰𝓷𝓮𝓭・ 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐚Where stories live. Discover now