~𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤, 𝐁𝐢𝐠 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐭~

941 30 30


Recap! Last time our heroine, Kanae Kocho, set things up, with Sumire having a babysitter and being able to get there on time. But, she meets a strange person that made her doubt herself for a second, before she snapped back to her stubborn goals. But, at her hospital, she sees someone who could ruin it all


"Fancy seeing you here~" Kanae hears her new boss purr, staring up at her with his lucid purple eyes. She straightens up, terrified. She now must have a babysitter or daycare in mind six times a week, or she will take Sumire to work and risk HIM finding out. "Sanemi- Mr. Shinazugawa!" Kanae says, watching him smile, handsome as the devil. "Nice to see you too, Kocho." Sanemi says, stretching up from his lean, his eyes level with her's.

"You too!" she exclaims fakely, smiling brightly. Mentally crying, she backs towards the door slowly. Sadly, he noticed. "C'mon, sit down. I don't bite." he says, gesturing to the chair opposite him. Kanae walks up carefully, breaking eye-contact out of sheer embarrassment. She pulls the chair, hearing it screech across the floor.

She drops her bag and sits down. She straightens herself, pinking under his eerie gaze. Silence strains for a few seconds, before Sanemi breaks it. "Any questions?" he asks, sighing and looking down at the desk that separated them. Kanae looks around, eager to get out, but she doesn't want to come off as rude.

"Only one!" Kanae says, smiling again. "What will my schedule be like in general?" she asks, looking at him. Sanemi 'hmp's' and opens his lips to speak "You'll usually work 50-70 hours a week. You'll be in the pediatrician center since your specialty in your resume was working with children." He says. "The head pediatrician will show you around and lead you until you get the gist of it. Also, since today's Friday, I want to let you know that there are optional online classes."

"Well, Thank you!" Kanae says, standing up. "That's all?" he asks. She looks back to see him returning her stare skeptically. She felt her stomach unexpectedly twisted with butterflies. She had no idea why, but it hit her after a few seconds. She still loved him. She had never hated him. She dumped him out of fear of rejection.

But even five years later, her butterflies never settled. She'd love him till the day she died. No, she'd love the Sanemi of five years ago till the day she died. Who knows how much he's changed? He could be a cold-hearted rich CEO instead of the humble Sanemi from long ago. "Nope!" she says quickly, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Alright then, the receptionist can guide you to the area," he says, smiling back. "Okay!" Kanae says, standing up. She shuffles her feet to the door quickly. Just as she feels the relief of opening the door, his voice hits her ears one more time. "Kocho, just wondering, why did you dump me so suddenly?" he asks.

Kanae turns to Sanemi, his face wholesome and loving. Kanae lets a breath out, looking at him. Kanae sturdy's herself, "It's because I lost my feelings for you completely. I'm sorry, Sanemi." she lies, looking intently in his pale purple pools. Sanemi covers his mouth, looking down. Kanae feels bad, and she blames herself for everything. She just told her true love she didn't love him. She messed up big time.

Suddenly, laughter rips through the room. Kanae sees Sanemi snickering, holding his hand to his mouth to muffle the noise, "Really? I remember you saying you'd never lose feelings for me. What day was it? Oh yeah! I believe it was two weeks before you dumped me, y'know after we did it-" he say, taking his hand off his face to reveal a smirk and light blush on his face. Kanae turns tomato-red, throwing her hands to her face, covering her beautiful features.

"Mr. Shinazugawa, could we not bring that up?" she asks quietly. Sanemi huffs, still smiling, "Of course, Kocho." he says. "You're dismissed," he adds quickly to Kanae's excitement. "Thank you, Mr. Shinazugawa!" she said, turning towards the door and lightly turned the knob. She lets out a sigh of relief when she closes the door.

She didn't hate being with him, it was just overwhelming to be around him once again, since her secret could be spilled any second. She needed to be careful, or he would find out. As she was mentally putting everything together, Sanemi waited for the shadow of her to leave. Once it did, he tapped his chin in confusion. She was hiding something. What, Sanemi didn't know.

Kanae ran for her life down the hall, toward the elevator. Once she got in, she hastily pressed the buttons.


"MOMMY!!" a voice screamed happily as Kanae unlocked the door. Kanae smiled, putting down her things on the floor the second she opened her door. She waited for a few seconds, and there she was. Shina leaned against Sumire's door frame, and Sumire ran out. She had one of her shirts wrapped around her hair. Kanae saw Shina laugh. Shina speaks softly "Well, Sumire, show mommy your new hair!" she says excitedly. Sumire nods and whips off the shirt.

Kanae gasps at her new hair style. Her hair used to be waist length, with bangs that flanked her cheeks. Now, it was shoulder length, with bangs that covered most of her forehead. She tugged on the end happily, smiling ear-to-ear in pure excitement. "I told her how to do it!" she exclaimed, "What do you think, mommy?" she asked.

Kanae looked down and stayed silent for a moment. Sumire's face plunged, terrified of rejection. Kanae placed her hands together, smiling with her eyes closed, a signature way to say she was VERY happy. "I love it, Sumire!" she says, looking up.

Sumire's eyes shined with happiness. "Yay!" she screams, hugging Kanae's leg. Kanae picked her up, embracing her softly. Kanae reached down and grabbed her wallet. She was flipping through the few dollars she had. She noticed Sumire's shocked face. "What?" she asks. Sumire looks at her. "Mommy is so rich!" she squeaks.

Kanae laughs at her baby's words. "Here!" she says, handing Shina the money. She takes it gratefully. "Thank you!" she exclaims. "Of course!" Kanae says, watching her take her stuff and leave. Before she steps out, she looks back. "My name is Shizu, so feel free to call me that!" she reveals, before stepping out the door.

Kanae let Sumire go play while she thought. Shizu, the name sounded familiar. From where, she didn't know. She groaned in disappointment, remembering her bio. She had good qualifications, so it might be hard to get her to babysit all the time. She thought hard about someone who could help. Then, it came.

The compassionate girl who loved Kanae more than herself. The smart, strong girl who she lived with all her life.

Kocho Shinobu.

 A. K. A 

Rich auntie


W/C: 1062 ⸻ Unedited ✗

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