~𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮~

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Recap! Our lovely heroine, Kanae Kocho has finally secured a position as a medical trainee to increase her chances of becoming a doctor! But, on the dark side, taking care of her growing girl with an on and off 'dad' isn't very helpful to that cause. She's angry, but has one thing set in her mind. She won't give up!


She pulled into the parking lot, slowly placing her sleeping daughters hand on her own lap. Once she finds a spot, she parks there, and steps out with her bag and keys. She feels weird, already getting used to the nasty smell of Kitsune's apartment. She shakes her head, trying to forget about that god-forsaken man and his little slut. She softly opens the door for her little angel.

 "Sumire-Chan, we're here!" Kanae says, slightly jolting her baby girl from her sleep. Sumire blinked lazily, then straightens up to full attention, "Yay!" she squeaks, her hands flying up and waving around in excitement. She tries to get up, but her baby seat keeps her bound to the car, although she nearly knocked it off.

As she squirms, hands pulling and twisting the seatbelt straps, Kane steps back. She put her hand gently to her mouth, muffling her laugh. "Sumire, here," she says gently, delicate hands undoing her seat. Sumire leans forward, pushing her hands around, signaling Kanae to pick her up and out of the car.

Once Sumire is out, she laughs, "Yay! Me and mommy are home!" Kanae gets Sumire's bag in one arm and Sumire herself in her in the other. She walks to the reception desk, where a woman nods approvingly and Kanae starts to walk toward the big, gray door. She got onto the staircase of  her apartment, and started walking up.

 At around the the 5th floor, she sees the man again. "Hello Ms. Kanae! Oh, what a cutie you have there! Is she your niece?" he asks. Kanae swallows. She was too old to have a little sister, and that alone would creep him out. What about telling him it was her child? Kanae sighs, she's gone through this a thousand times. "No, she's my daughter." she says firmly.

Something about him makes me feel uncomfortable. He must have said something, because I feel unsafe around him, even though we've only talked twice. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. I do get cat-called a lot, so that must be it.

He pauses, raising his eyebrows and his eyes bulge. "Oh my!" he says, surprised. "How interesting, Kocho!" he exclaims. Kanae realizes. In their last interaction, she hadn't given him her name! She shakes it off, wondering if her memory failed her. She can't tell if she did or she just imagined telling him, because an image of her telling him her full name pops into her mind. 

As he sighs, he looks at her. "Poor you, a lonely mother who needs help," he cooed softly. "Perhaps, you might need help?" he says, waiting for her to finish the sentence. She shakes her head, "No! Don't need help! Doing just fine!" she says quickly, not willing to show weakness. He hmp-ed, and smiled. "Well, if you need any help, you know who to call!" he says, and with that, walks away.

Just before he turns to the lower stairwell, Kanae whips around. "Excuse me! What's your name?!" she yells, and he stops. He smiles. "Oh, Me?! I thank you for asking! My name's Douma!" he says, smiling. "Doma who?" Kanae asks, desperate to know his last name. He laughs, rubbing the back of his head. "Doma Doma, my parents thought it was clever!" he says, rolling his eyes.

Kanae nodded as he left. Sumire tugged at her shirt, and she snapped from her thoughts, and continued through the stairwell. "We're going on an adventure to our home!" She chanted as Kanae climbed up. They got to their door soon enough. As Kanae fiddled around with the key, Sumire yawned.

𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓼 𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓰𝓷𝓮𝓭・ 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐚Where stories live. Discover now