~𝐁𝐢𝐠 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞~

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Recap! Last time, Ms. Kocho found her old boyfriend, Sanemi Shinazugawa, as her boss! Things are getting worse and worse. The studies are getting harder, Kitsune is out of reach, and she needed to do this if she wanted to become a doctor as soon as possible. But, she won't give up. That's one thing she KNOWS!


Kanae sighs in relief, practically dropping to the floor in pure excitement at the thought of her cute, petite little sister. She smiles, knowing her sister would help her, no matter what. She runs over to the door, nearly tripping over Sumire. She rummages through her bag for her phone. Once she found her phone, she rang the number of her sister.

"Hello? Who're you- KANAE! Oh my goodness, sister. It's been months! How have you been?!" Shinobu says. "Sad. I've been crying about how you've left me to live the rich-wife life and not even thinking to text me~" Kanae says sadly, fake sniffing dramatically. "Kanae! I'm so sorry!" Shinobu cried frantically. Before she could apologize for the fifth time, Kanae laughed and cut her off.

"Shinobu-san! It was a joke, I'm happy you've found happiness without me!" Kanae says, smiling brightly. "Sister!" Shinobu says, voice slightly watery, "I promise to keep up with you!" she cries. "Shinobu! It's alright! I'm the bad guy for what I'm about to ask. I feel bad for calling you after months to ask a big favor." she says sadly. She hears Shinobu's voice perk in curiosity, "Well, what is it? Come on, spit it out!" she says.

Kanae sighs. "Could you watch Sumire for me for a few hours for a week? Just for a week? Once I find a daycare, it'll be over!" Kanae asks, hoping for her to agree. There is silence, before her phone makes sound once more. "Yes! Yes, yes, yes! I can't wait to see my little angel of a niece!" she yells joyfully, and Kanae smiles. "See you then, Sis. My place, 11 am!" Kanae says. "See ya!" Shinobu says excitedly, hanging up.

Kanae puts her phone in her pocket, and pick up Sumire. Want to go to mommy's room?" she asks, tickling her. Sumire giggled, nodding and tearing up from the tickle torture. "Yea!" she giggled, and Kanae walked over to her room, and sat her on the bed. 


As Sumire played with toys she stashed in the nightstand a week ago. I was on my phone, scrolling through the rules of the hospital. As I'm reading, I notice something weird. On my application, I stated that I was a trainee, , but the text read that I could only have a MS, a master of science in psychology. If I had less than an MS, I would be thrown into a new hospital, with more trainee's like me and a lower staff rate.

There was no hospital I could go that was close enough to get Sumire to a daycare on time and pick her up on time. At that rate, I would have to give Sumire to Takahashi, and that was the last thing I wanted. I decided to call my boss. That was the only way to get the situation sorted out.

I scroll through my contacts, and finally find it. I unblock him and slide open my contacts to read 'saNEMI  ╰(*°▽°*)╯' I quickly change it to 'Mr. Shinazugawa' and go back to the text. Before I open the text bar to write, I notice other text. My heart flutters at his messages, the same way it did four years ago.

But, there is one out of place. I note that is the most recent and sad. Kanae, I love you so, why would you do this? I just want to know that I love you. And, I still feel I'll love you and you'll reciprocate. Our fates are Aligned. I love you, Kocho. I'll see you again. Love, Sanemi <3. Kanae nearly cried, reading it over and over. I sighed loudly and shoved the tears down, liken I always did, and kept writing her message.

⸻ Message sent 5:40


Mr. Shinazugawa,

 I noticed the requirements for the hospital state that if anyone with anything less than a MS degree would be put into a , quote on quote, 'More suitable environment' hospital. I would prefer to stay at this hospital because I can work with the time frame to balance my work-life ways.

So, all in all, I wanted to know if it was possible to stay in this specific hospital.

Thank you,

Kocho Kanae

Mr. Shinazugawa

Dearest Kocho,

It's alright. The rules have changed, and our writer has unfortunately gotten into an accident, but, they are alright now. He should be uploaded the new one tomorrow. Thanks for reaching out!


Shinazugawa Sanemi


Thank you so much! Love you! Goodnight!

Mr. Shinazugawa

Love you too -v-

"Who does mommy love?" Sumire's voice pipes up, and Kanae realizes she was watching her text. Kanae looks up, confused. "You could read this?" Kanae says, shocked. Sumire nodded. "Of course, mommy! You're teaching me how to read!" she says, huffing up and puts her hands to her waist, posing like a proud super hero.

Kanae giggled, creeping her hands onto Sumire's waist, moving her hands, and tickling her again. Sumire laughs with pain, squirming everywhere. Once Kanae has enough, she puts Sumire down and goes back to her phone. Kanae pulls up her phone, and realizes what Sumire was talking about. Thank you so much! Love you! Goodnight!

Kanae nearly dies in sear embarrassment. 

Love you!

Kanae doesn't bother deleting it, knowing he probably read it. Sighing and trying to go to sleep, Sumire giggles with glee.


I read over the text, again and again, realizing what she texted. Blushing and laughing, I spin in my chair. It's been four years since I heard her say that. I frown, knowing she probably didn't mean it. But, it's still a nice though. I sigh, grabbing my bag and heading out the door, ready to go home.


W/C: 908 ⸻ Edited ✓

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