~ 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 ~

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Recap! Our lovely heroine, Kanae Kocho, has found herself in a tight situation! Kitsune, her nearly deadbeat father (No that he ever was a father) has hit her with a custody battle. Kanae and Kitsune: the fight for Sumire. Sumire, Kanae and Sanemi's sweet little angel of a daughter, is finding herself thinking about Sanemi more and more, not knowing what her mother does.



The first thing she saw was Sumire's messy hair, so messy she had to laugh.

 Ridiculous, wasn't it? But she was soon brought back down from her giggle

"I want a dad."

"Hmm?" Kanae answered, peeking her head through Sumire's door frame, only to see her presious girl in this state. Her face was blank, her eyes blank, even her voice lacked tone and  emotion, which was suprising for the sunlight-ball-of-energy she usually was.

"I want a dad." she repeated, sprawling her arms in a pattern that resembled the process of making a snow angel. Kanae nodded, feeling the all-too familiar feeling of shame take over her stomach, clamping around it with great force.

"Yea? Well, maybe, soon." Kanae replied, rushing to the bathroom to rid her mouth of her toothbrush.

After the night of fears and bad thoughts, she finally felt herself think rationally. Kitsune had figured out a way to get Sumire, but it didn't make sense as to why, if he didn't know that Sumire wasn't his. But, if he had figured it out, he would most likely continue the fake roll of 'father' and once he got Sumire, he would give her a DNA test. After that?

Kanae felt clueless, pursing her lips as she closed the restroom door softly. Even with the stipend he would recive, which wasn't much, what then? Leave Sumire to fend for herself? No, Kanae reminded herself, leaning against the wall opposite of Sumire's room, she would at least have some custody, no doubt.

Actually, all of it.

If Kitsune challanged her, she would win. Before knowing their story, it would seem irrational. A single woman against a man. But closer into it, Kanae was a medical student, voluteering at a hospital, with a good sense of raising a kid for someone in her state. But she was about to lose that bitter-sweet feeling of victory, as she knew she needed to get a paying job.

She wasn't a conceited person, but she thought she had a chance at a better future than most, as long as she, once again, found herself a paying job, while still managing what little things she could do at the hospital. But Kitsune lived in a facade, disgusting apartment, and come to think of it, what on Earth did he do to make money?

Something illegal?

No doubt. He seemed pretty worthless to her, and certainly, he couldn't make it by on an average profession.

She sighed, tired of overthinking again and again. The custody battle wouldn't happen this, next, or the following month. Right now, she had other things to be concerned over, like focusing on Sumire and work.

Shina was open for babysitting today, and she needed to get to the hospital in ten minutes, or less.

Kanae peaked around the corner, seeing Sumire out of her trance and playing with the few toys she owned, a smiling and giggling as she methodically moved her toy doll. Kanae slipped past the thresehold, leaning onto the ground where Sumire sat, and smiled.

"I'm gonna have to leave right now honey, but when I get home, we'll do somthing fun!" She says brightly, holding her hands out.


"Kocho," Sanemi says, eyes tracing her outline as she nodded, pursing her lips. 

His hair was unusually unkempt, fluffy and sprawled. Kanae bit back a smile, trying to focus on what he was saying. It really reminded her of Sumire this morning, moaning and whining on her floor.

It wasn't funny. At all. But soon, she found herself hidding a grin, then a laugh. It wasn't funny. No, not at all. She kept wishing this feeling would pass, but it wouldn't. She needed to smile. She needed to get away, away from this-

"You listening?"

She blinked, suddenly realizing Sanemi was barely an inch away from her, their noses practically touching. "So?" he asked, finally his turn to hold back a smile. She finally realized, her cheeks flushing the color of her blouse, wanting to back away, but the chair and his face kept her seated.

How on Earth had she managed to space out so hard she didn't see him stand and lean over the damn desk? What the actual fuck? She was scared, mostly flustured, but still, scared. His scars traced under his eyes, his deep purple eyes, now looking at her.

But, he seemed sad. She wondered if he could see through her, into her brain, and see what mischevious horror had been going on. Douma, Kitsune, hiding Sumire, her tight schedule, everything.

She wanted to admit it too, to feel his arms around her, to tell him everything, and feel his comforting words slid softly into her ears. She felt her face heat hotter, her brain a furnace and her heart a beating mess.

He moved, his face getting nearer. Was it, though? Was she crazy? Desprate? But he seemed to be getting closer and closer.

She felt her mind drop slient, her heart not even beating, feeling his lips, softer than she remembered, pressed onto her's. Her heart beat, an estatic, warm pulse deep inside. Her eyes widened, placing herself closer.

She knew she should go. Get away. Distance herself and keep herself no-where-near-arm's lenght. But she didn't pull back.

Not until the secretary walked in, that is.


W/C : 925  ⸻ Unedited ✗

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