~ 𝐃𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 ~

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Recap! (I added Douma, he's mainly in chapter two) Our beautiful hero, Kanae Kocho, has once again overcame a problem and convinced her sister Shinobu to babysit Sumire. And, as things go well, something happens. After sending a horribly embarrassing message, it's going to be hard to face her boss again.


This god-forsaken struggle I call my life is hard, yet dorky, cliché, and typical of me. I'm used to people giggling and telling me I need to chill out. Those people, they don't know I have a work-life balance I have to maintain, between the crushing pressure of a good school with lots of academic requirements, and having a child who barely has a 'father' (Note the apostrophe)

My life had just gotten even more ridiculous in the past few weeks, though. I meet my dear ex, who luckily let me keep the job. Despite this amount of stupidity,  I have a feeling this is going to get even crazier.


Waking up was hard, but eventually, Kanae forced herself to. She shifted, rubbing her eyes while squinting at the bright light shining through her window.  She propped herself up, finding her lips curling into a smile as she saw the little angel sleeping quietly next to her. She opens her eyes fully as they adjust to light, and she picks Sumire up gently.

She holds her against her chest as she walks into the hall and slowly pushes open the door to her bedroom, and lays her against the cool bed and pulls the covers over her. She strokes the girl's hair for a second, before turning and shutting the door softly.

She gets ready for the day ahead, her stomach flipping over every time she tries to think of what to say about the little message she accidently sent. As she's brushing her teeth, she comes to the conclusion to change the subject before either can bring it up.

She finishes, and realizes that Sumire would need breakfast. She walks over to the kitchen through the narrow hall, and opens the cabinet. She finds only a measly pack of instant pancakes. She brushes it off, knowing Sumire would love them.

She needed help, yes, but she refused to give it. Especially after what happened on that day. She had just built up the courage to tell they about her pregnancy, but they acted in a way she never suspected. He yelled, and he started something that left her scarred emotionally ... and physically ...

She sharply shook her head, not wanting to think of it. The past was gone, and now she was here with her unexplainably ridiculous life. No time to sulk about things in the past. She grabbed a bowl from above, and dumped the powder in. She grabbed a bottle of water, and poured it in.

(Dumb A/n you should skip: sorry if the water bottle thing sounds weird, but where I live, the pipes are a gazillion years old and laced with toxic stuff [according to the news] so I'm completely terrified to use the tap water or even writing about someone using tap water :( 

She mixed it after turning on the stove, and quickly poured the sweet substance into the pan, hearing the sizzle as she left it on the hot stove. She peeked into the fridge, sighing with relief when she found enough syrup for Sumire.

She heard the sizzle stop to a low hiss, and she turned of the stove. She took off the food, and slipped it onto a plate.

"Mommy," a voice said softly, and Kanae unintentionally smiled while turning. "Sumire! I made you some food!" she says brightly, holding the plate in her hand. Sumire smiles tiredly, gripping her stuffed animal tightly in her limp arm as she skips over happily.

𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓼 𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓰𝓷𝓮𝓭・ 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐚Where stories live. Discover now