~ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐦 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐨𝐧 ~

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Recap! Our lovely heroine has found a way through the system, and can now become a doctor sooner than most!  But, unluckily for her, Sanemi met Sumire and it got him thinking. After a short call with Kanae, which ended in the weirder employee saying it was his, he started thinking. What if he was serious?


"Hello," Kanae says softly, slightly waving at the blond man standing in front of her, praying he didn't make a screaming scene about seeing her somewhere before. He smiles, and does exactly what she hoped he wouldn't.

"Oh ! You're Kocho! You're my neighbor! That's were I saw you!" he says brightly, thinking out loud while trying to hug her. As he squeezed her, she frowned, absolutely embarrassed by this. He let go, and the two got down to business.

"So basically, to start off, tell me something about you." he said gayly, smiling at her with his eyes closed. Kanae had to sigh at that point. He seemed like a five year old meeting their best friend or another kid.

"Um ... I love ... butterflies?" she said softly, dissing any other ideas for answers. Douma opens his eyes, "Wow! Butterflies sure are lovely!" he says, clapping his hands together. "Aren't they just lovely little beings?" he says rhetorically.

"Now," he says, facing her, "let's start work." 


Everything wasn't to hard. All she had to do was follow him around and keep up a slight chat with him. Being an extrovert, this was lovely, despite being partnered with a creepy man. She had diagnosed a few children the instant she saw them, and took care of children whose parents preferred woman over men doctors

She sighs, tired as sin as Douma prattled on about god knows what next to her. She walked along the hallway with him, and added on to the small talk that was happening to the two. 

"And I really wish I had pets!" He exclaims as they finished walking down the halls and into his office, which was small. She giggles while nodding, trying not to make it obvious he sounds like a five year-old.

She closed the door behind her, hearing the slight 'tick' as it closed. Douma stood behind for a second, before he walked away from her, and took a seat at his desk. Kanae stood straighter, breathing lightly as she held herself against the door, as far as possible from him.

He lightly smiled as he put his hand up and flayed his fingers towards him, signaling for her to come over to the guest chair. Kanae swallowed, stepping closer to him and pulling at the chair opposite his desk.

She slightly frowned, hearing the drag of the chair as she pulled it near, before sitting and scooting herself up (with an appropriate amount of distance between the two) and straightening to attention.

Douma kept his slight smirk as he lifted his pen from the papers, and turned himself up to face her. Kanae unintentionally leaned back, and Doma backed up too, but he didn't seem flushed or embarrassed, but rather ... victorious.

She had no clue why his facial expression gave it away, but somehow, it did. Silence strung like clothes on a drying line, until Doma cut it. "So, what do you think of the new work place?"  he asks smugly, reaching his hand out and lightly touching her right shoulder.

𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓼 𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓰𝓷𝓮𝓭・ 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐚Where stories live. Discover now