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Kazuma's POV

The next day was the day of the graduation test. I woke up and got ready, I put on a long sleeve black shirt, beige pants and my black jacket. I woke up early so I could take mickey out for a run, I looked over to my bed and whistled "mickey let's go" I said and he scurried over to me and climbed up my arm and dangled off my shoulder and I giggled and exited my room. I went to the kitchen to Make a smoothie and grabbed some fruits, some lettuce and apple juice, I blended it and poured it into a water bottle and cleaned up my mess and headed out.

As I drank my smoothie, I watched Mickey as he ran around playing with random things he found on the ground. I chugged the the last bit of my smoothie and went and threw it in a nearby trashcan, when I turned around I didn't see mickey and I panicked. I quickly searched for him while calling out his name, I can't believe I lost him! Mama just got him for me a month ago and I lost him! I continued to look when someone tapped my shoulder and I twirled around and saw Naruto

"Ay Kazuma, isn't this yours?" He asked while holding his hand up and he was holding mickey by the nape of his neck

"Oh yes! Thank you Naruto" I said and grabbed mickey

"We should head to the academy, class is about to start" he said and I nodded

"I just gotta go and drop off mickey"

"I'll come with you!" Naruto said and we headed to my house.

"Ay Kazuma, what's it like living with sakura?" Naruto asked a few minutes later and my smile faltered and I smiled sadly "living with her is ok, I give her her own space and don't bother her." I explained and Naruto was looking at me

"It seems that sakura doesn't like you.." he said and I smiled "it's ok, I'm just trying to be a good little brother. I just listen to her wishes" I mumbled and Naruto hummed

"well I think your a great brother!" He said and I looked at him "really?" I asked and he nodded while humming

"Yea! Your so nice and everything. And I never seen you mad or anything" he said while getting in my face and I chuckled softly and we arrived at my house and I dropped off mickey and me and Naruto headed to the academy.

"We're about to begin the graduation test, when your name is called proceed to next room. The test will be on clone jutsu" Iruka sensei explained and I looked over to Naruto and he had a nervous face. I'm nervous too because I could never perfect clone jutsu.

Everyone went and I waited patiently, I was fidgeting in my seat out of nervousness. I hope that I can perfect it, sasuke and Sakura did great, they're both awesome.

"Kazuma Haruno" I heard my name called and ino patted my shoulder "I'm sure you can do it Kazuma" she said and I smiled and bowed a little "thank you ino" I said and headed to the room. I stood in front of Iruka and mizuki sensei

"Alright you can proceed" mizuki said and I nodded and sighed while closing my eyes, I did my sign "clone jutsu" I said and pink energy surrounded my body and then a puff of smoke came and I looked to my sides to see perfect clone of iruka and mizuki sensei

"Good job Kazuma, you passed" iruka said and I smiled and walked up to the table and grabbed a headband and headed back to the class and Naruto ran up to me

"Woahh! You got a headband?! Wow you did it Kazuma!" He cheered while hugging me and spinning me and I laughed and he finally stopped when his name was called

彼の小さなうさぎ(Naruto fanfic)(Sasuke X Maleoc)Where stories live. Discover now