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(Me when I have to write:

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(Me when I have to write:

Me:"I'm tired of this [reader]!






3rd POV

After kakashi had fainted, the crew helped carry him to Mr Tazuna's house.

Once they arrived, they laid kakashi down on a futon and tended to him, apparently he had overused his sharingan which caused him to faint.

With kazuma, he was sitting beside kakashi reading a book, he was quite tired as well but he volunteered to keep an eye on kakashi

Kazuma's POV

I sighed softly as I turned the page of the book I was reading, it was a interesting book I must say.

It is about a girl and her journey to become stronger. She has a sad backstory, and I just hope she finds happiness soon.

I snapped my head towards where kakashi Sensei was laying and his eyes was open

"Sensei!" I called out and he turned his head towards me

"Are you ok? How do you feel?" I asked while putting my book down and scooting towards him. I then removed the wet rag that was on his forehead and placed it down and looked at him

"Ah I'm ok. I guess I overused my sharingan" he lightly chuckled with the last part and I smiled a little and nodded

"Im glad your ok is all" i mumbled and both our heads turned towards the door when we heard it opened and Mr Tazuna's daughter walked in

"Are you alright Sensei?" She asked as she walked over towards us and kakashi groaned slightly

"Not really..it will be hard just to move for about a week" he said while sitting up but he was groaning

"Well it would be better if you didn't move for a while" tsunami said with her hands on her hip

"Okay" kakashi mumbled and layed back down and I smiled when Naruto and the others walked in

"Hey! Kakashi sensei's awake!" Naruto said happily and Sakura walked closer to kakashi Sensei

"Come on! Your sharingan is great but if it is puts that much of strain on your body, it may not be worth it!" Sakura said like scolding a child and that caused me to smile a bit

彼の小さなうさぎ(Naruto fanfic)(Sasuke X Maleoc)Where stories live. Discover now