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(Omg? Thank you for the 100 reads guys 😍)

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(Omg? Thank you for the 100 reads guys 😍)




Kazuma's POV

I really couldn't sleep last night, so when I woke up I had to fight the urge to go back to sleep. My mind was racing with so many thoughts, I feel bad of what I did to sasuke. I bit him.

I just didn't want him to worry about me, I didn't want him to see I was crying, I don't want anyone to see me cry at all because it makes me feel weak. I prefer worrying about someone else rather than myself. Im kinda scared of seeing him today. Anyways the other reason I couldn't sleep was because my stomach was hurting so much. I didn't eat because I felt full even though I just ate some churros, I don't know why it was like that. Its probably nothing.

I got ready in a light grey t-shirt, beige shorts and my jacket. I brushed my hair and teeth, fed Lola. I kissed mickey goodbye, he was still asleep and I was glad so I didn't have trouble leaving. I left my room and climbed down the ladder and closed the door, I then headed to the laundry room and hugged mama bye and me and Sakura headed to the academy.

Once we arrived I kept my head down not wanting to look sasuke in the eyes, so I just went to my seat and waited for our new sensei to come. Naruto came over to me and slung his arm around my neck and I smiled

"Hey mornin Kazuma!" He greeted and I nodded "good morning Naruto" I said back and he sat down next to me

"How was your day yesterday?" He asked and I remembered what had happened and my smile kinda faulted but I quickly composed it "uh it was ok, just had a little inconvenience" I said and he nodded "man what's taking him so longgg" Naruto complained while getting heading to the door he slid it open a bit and looked out to the left and right

"Naruto! Stay still!" Sakura said "why is it that our sensei is the only one late? The other squads gone off somewhere with their new sensei, and Iruka sensei already left" Naruto complained

"Don't look at me"sakura mumbled and suddenly Naruto stood on top of a small table and put a chalkboard eraser in between the door frame and door

"Hey Naruto what are you doing?" Sakura asked while going over to Naruto
"It's not my fault he's late" Naruto said jumping down from the table "damn it I'm not really responsible for this" Sakura complained but Kazuma knew she was enjoying this too on the inside

"A genin wouldn't get caught in such a weak booby trap" Sasuke said with his hands intertwined and resting against his mouth "that's right your such an idiot-" sakura started saying until the door slid open and our sensei walked in and the eraser fell on his head and everyone was quiet for a second until Naruto started laughing

"I got him! I got him!" He laughed "i-im sorry sensei! I tried to stop him but Naruto did it all on his own" she said

Our sensei picked up the eraser "hmmm how can I say this, as first impression of you guys, well I hate you" he said and everyone deadpanned

彼の小さなうさぎ(Naruto fanfic)(Sasuke X Maleoc)Where stories live. Discover now