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Kazuma's POV

The next morning, I woke up at 4:30 am to get ready, I took a shower and made sure to wash my hair. After showering I got dressed in a faded dark green long sleeve shirt, beige capris, my black and white jacket and my sandals. I put on deodorant and lotion and brushed my hair, I looked over to my bed and saw that Mickey still sleeping, he's usually up by now. I walked over to him and petted his head gently, he was a little warm and I figured he was sick. So I went to my desk and grabbed the bottle of medicine and went downstairs to put it in his food. I grabbed the diced meat and put it in a bowl and mixed some pills inside where he wouldn't see it. what do ferrets eat you ask? Well Ferrets are obligate carnivores, which means they must eat meat. Raw meat is the best option, including whole prey. Ferrets can also eat kitten food, as it has a high meat protein content, baby food that's high in meat protein, and dried ferret food, that's high in meat protein, but I prefer mickey to meat.

I soon finished and I headed back upstairs and placed the bowl next to mickey and gently shook him "mickey, mickey wake up" I whispered and he fluttered his open and when he smelled the food he closed his eyes, 'looks like he isn't in the mood to eat' I thought with a frown.

"Mickey, you have to eat to get better, trust me" I said and he looked at the bowl and then crawled over to it and started eating it a little and I smiled "you'll feel better soon" I said and kissed his head and walked over to Lola's cage and saw that she was on her web bed eating a cockroach and shivered, she probably got out again and found it.

I climbed down the ladder and closed the door and went to the kitchen to make a quick bowl of rice porridge. I didn't make alot just an amount that could fill my belly half way, after I made it I started eating. Few minutes later sakura came in

"Kakashi sensei said to not eat breakfast, are you stupid?" She said and I smiled "well..it's not alot. I just-" "your gonna throw up, and you'll regret eating" she said and I sighed and poured the rest of the porridge in the trash and put the dirty bowl in the sink and followed sakura out our house.

We arrived and Naruto and Sasuke arrived at the same time we did

"Morning" Sakura said tiredly and I held in my laugh at Naruto Because he looks so dead. "Good morning" I softly said and Sasuke looked at me and I averted his gaze and smiled

Hours passed and I was sitting on the floor while Naruto layed his head on my shoulder, kakashi sensei still wasn't here and the sun had already came up. Finally after few more hours kakashi sensei showed

彼の小さなうさぎ(Naruto fanfic)(Sasuke X Maleoc)Where stories live. Discover now