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(She makes me mad when she does that like no one gotta know what I got in trouble for😭)

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(She makes me mad when she does that like no one gotta know what I got in trouble for😭)




Team 7 arrived along with Mr Tazuna, in side the walls was an amazing scenery. Everyone got off and the person driving the boat looked at them

"This is as far as I go. See you around" he said

"Yea, you been a big help" Mr Tazuna said

"Be careful" the person said and drove off. Kazuma waved as he did and turned to mr Tazuna.

"Okay, get me home safely." He ordered and they all turned around and started walking

"Yeah yeah" kakashi mumbled and kazuma covered his mouth with his fingertips to prevent him from laughing, kakashi face was funny to him

'when they next attack, it won't be chunin, but elite level jonin. Cripes' kakashi thought.

While they continued walking, sasuke walked up next to Naruto who looked at him irritatedly

'i won't let this guy do all the fun stuff anymore!' Naruto thought and he ran ahead a little and looked around like he was looking for something. Kazuma watched him with curious and ranned up to him

"Hey Naruto what do you- AH!" kazuma instantly ducked as Naruto threw his kunai in his direction

Everyone looked at him crazy and Sasuke scowled a little

"Heh. Just a mouse" Naruto said with his eyes closed and had a smile

"Quit trying to show off! There was nothing there in the first place!" Sakura yelled

"Please naruto. Don't use kunai knives so carelessly, you almost impaled kazuma!" Kakashi scolded and poor kazuma. The poor guy was on the floor shocked and scared but had a smile on his face

"i-its ok Sensei, It was a reflex" he mumbled

"No it was not, Naruto was just trying to show off" Sakura grumbled and Sasuke sighed

"Hey brat! Don't be doing anything confusing! Mr Tazuna yelled out

"Huh!? I sensed a presence over there! Wait over there!" He yelled pointing in different directions and kazuma sweat dropped

"There!" Naruto yelled and threw a kunai into the bushes

"Stop it already!" Sakura yelled and hit Naruto on the back of his head, poor Naruto.

"S-someone's really been targeting us the whole time!" Naruto whined

"Yea right! Knock it off!" Sakura yelled and kakashi looked through the bushes and saw a bunny terrified, it was laying against the tree and Naruto's kunai was above it in between his ear, poor thing was crying

彼の小さなうさぎ(Naruto fanfic)(Sasuke X Maleoc)Where stories live. Discover now