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I keep disappearing and I'm sorry guys 😭, life's been hectic for me to the point I don't wanna write or do anything

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I keep disappearing and I'm sorry guys 😭, life's been hectic for me to the point I don't wanna write or do anything. But I promise I'll try.






3rd POV

The next morning team 7 started their training, it was sunny outside and kinda hot.

Beforehand, when everyone was getting up getting ready kazuma opened his eyes and he smiled. Sasuke was laying beside him and seemed to be sleeping peacefully, kazuma hesitantly boop'd his nose and Sasuke's eyes flew open and he sat up.

"Good morning.." He heard kazuma say and he looked down to see kazuma smiling a little, Sasuke wanted to smile but he just nodded and got up, heading out the room.




The team stood outside along with Kakashi who had crutches with him, kazuma was eager to know what kind of training they were going to do.

"So, now the training begins!" Kakashi announced

"Yes sir!" Both Naruto and kazuma replied, well- kazuma was more quiet lol.

"So before that, let me again explain chakra power for a ninja from the basics." Kakashi started to explain

"At this point." Sasuke mumbled

"Of course we know about that! Chatora right?" Naruto asked and kazuma snorted slightly

"It's chakra Naruto.." Kazuma said before Kakashi did, Kakashi only sighed from the misread word and knew none of them knew about chakra at all

"Kazuma since you kinda seem to know, explain to Naruto" Kakashi stated and kazuma turned red slightly

"eh..? Uhm- well chakra is energy that ninjas need when using jutsu, it's made up of 3- wait no 2- or was it-"

"Agh! Shut up and I'll explain" Sakura interrupted and kazuma frowned slightly but nodded

"It's made up of 2 energies, 1) physical energy gathered together from each and every cell in the body and 2) spiritual energy accumulated based on numerous trainings and experiences" she explained and kazuma decided to add in stuff too

"In other words jutsu wrings out and combines these two energies from within the body and it's called 'combining the chakra', then chakra is activated by doing hand signs" he finished and Sakura bonked him on the head causing him to exclaim out

"I was going to explain that you idiot!" She screeched and kazuma comically cried

"That's right, it seems iruka sensei taught you guys well" Kakashi complimented and Sakura smiled as she won a medal or something.

彼の小さなうさぎ(Naruto fanfic)(Sasuke X Maleoc)Where stories live. Discover now